Prepping for Show

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Suddenly the darkness turns to light as we arrive at the train station. Hundreds of Capitol citizens applaud our entry. They look ... so odd. The weird fashion sense is what draws my attention, the high heels, the hair colour, the face. All pulled back from plastic surgery and white glimmering teeth. Their choice of colour and fabric is vastly different to the ones we have at home. They scream our names as I watch them all gather closer to the slowing train. I despise every single one of them.

"Greetings Lesa Reen and Max Reynald to the almighty Capitol." An electronic voice says over the intercoms of the train. "Be sure to give your best performance in the Opening Ceremonies and in your training. We're looking forward to seeing you at the Interviews. Best of luck in the 72nd Annual Hunger Games."

"Okay, you two, smile and wave." Mandrel says to Lesa and I. But we do not. We do not agree with this. The crowd still looks through the train window and cheer and scream maniacally.

"Wave." Mandrel says and pokes us in the back, "act shy, at least."

I don't want to seem unpleasant to the crowd, so I wave, but do not smile. Lesa doesn't do anything. Her hand raises and I put my hand to my forehead. She shows her middle finger to the crowd. Some of the crowd looks appalled, but some cheer even more. They must like the feistiness in her.

The train begins moving again until we're closed off from the crowd and we're in a private train station. That must have been for photographs and just to confirm with The Captiol citizens that we arrived for them. Guards line across the platform, the whiteness of the stage blinds me.

"Come on." Mandrel says. "Smile for the cameras."

I'm ushered by a Capitol Peacekeeper out of the train and as soon as the doors open the flashes of cameras hit us.

"Lesa, Lesa how are you enjoying The Capitol?" One asks.

"Shove it up your asses." Lesa says and gives the middle finger. The photographers smile even more and take more snaps of her showing her finger, bending in ridiculous poses to get a good angle of her action.

I just frown but look brave at the same time. Lesa notices and elbows me as the Peacekeepers hold us and bring us to a building ahead of the train. "Give them the finger, let the freaks know we're a team."

Should I? But it'll be good to get sponsors as they think we're teaming up. I can't smile, and I also don't understand how her action isn't being seen as treason. Even though the satisfaction is overwhelming, I will not show them I am a part of that now, not that I agree to their charades, but I don't want to be mysteriously killed off on the first day to get rid of a rebel. Lesa continues her action until Mandrel advises her to stop.

We enter the building that lay ahead of us when we arrived. It's the Training Centre. We're greeted by Treena and a few of her Capitol buddies. They're all dressed in completely ridiculous outfits, this is the first sense of The Capitol I'm getting up close and I do not like it at all.

"Here are my gorgeous tributes!" She squeals. "Well Lesa, Max, these are your stylists."

A woman about twenty-five, but probably older due to plastic surgery, comes out from behind Treena. She walks elegantly towards me, holds my hand, then leans in and smiles. "Well, I'm afraid I won't see you till later where I'll be getting you knitted up for the Tribute Parade. So you'll be taken to the Remake Centre where my team will do you up. Okay?" She pinches my cheek. I don't know what vibe this woman is trying to give off, but she is making me uneasy.

"What's your name?" I ask, as she turns to me.

"Aminta Gelastrus. But I only allow people I trust in and believe in to call me Ami, which is what you can do." She smiles at me. As do I begin to trust and believe in her, I'm suddenly dragged out by a fancier looking Peacekeeper. Soldiers as they're called here. We learn about these powerful Capitol guards in school.

The End of Innocence: The 72nd Annual Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now