The Train

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"Oh you're both in for a treat! Look at the effort and design The Capitol have put in place to ensure you both know what is in store for you! Look at the attention to detail!" Treena squeals. She walks into the carraige first, leaving us to trail behind. "Oh, and in advance, we'll be in The Capitol in a few hours." It is blatent she is trying to be uplifting in her tone, and I do know she is trying to make the best out of this last week before we both obviously get slaughtered, but I don't know why she seems so irritating and bothering. This is the first contact I have had, up close, to a Capitol person, and already she exactly how we describe them in District 9. Why act so fake? 

We walk into this huge room, a huge glass chandelier dangles in the middle of the room, wooden-carved chairs and tables sit untouched, polished and proper, glistening against the rays of sun coming through the designed windows. Foods of all sorts lie on another table but I know I can't eat it just yet. My view  goes to the outside where the crowd shivers in the cold while we indulge in this heat. But I feel no pity. They'll be able to sleep sound tonight, although sad, they will be thankful it is not them on this train. I watch their attempts to try get a glimpse inside of the train, however I know they cannot. When we were outside, the view was blackened out. 

Almost immediately the train begins to move from the platform. It doesn't move too sharply, but it is sudden enough for me to catch my feet for a second. As this happens, Lesa rushes over to the window and places her hand against it. I can't see her face, but I know she isn't happy. In less than ten seconds, the train is off the platform, leaving everyone behind us. I walk over to one of the well designed chairs and sit. The view from outside seems supersonic. I have left moved so quick in my life. The sharpness of green from the trees zooming by, the fields upon fields becoming smaller and smaller, a reminder that I am leaving home, and all those behind it. Almost immediately, they begin to feel less than a memory. I close my eyes and inhale. Ugh, the abundance of Capitol things around me is mentally exhausting.

"Are you hungry?" Treena asks. Her tone is cheerful, although I would get why she almost wants to change the subject. 

"Yes." Lesa says very quickly as she turns her view from the window to Treena. She visibly looks distressed, and she is not doing a good job hiding it. 

"Great, what about you Max?"

"Do you have any deer?" I ask, and for some reason, her face drops. Although it is a common meal in 9, I get the sense I should have said something more mannerly. Part of me wants to take it back, but the other side of me doesn't want to. 

"Boy, you may have anything and everything that is to offer, and you choose such a mediocre meal like that? It's all plumb best steak, with extra sour toppings, spiced mackerel with cranberry sauce. Hell, even stuffed goose! Which, by the way, Avox ?" Treena snaps her fingers at a woman who's standing with her head down beside the bar.

The woman walks over but doesn't raise her head. On her jaw is a metal bar going all the way to her ears. I guess she can't speak as it looks pretty well clamped down. She's like a lion in a cage, not able to snap her teeth at us to kill us. Whoever done it wants to make sure she can't talk, and barely breathe. In a way, she's less fortunate than us.

"Get me plumb best steak with extra sour cheese toppings, with a glass of Dandi. Now!"

The woman nods and walks out of the train car and into another one behind this one.

"You told us about manners and yet you are giving her the most abuse I've ever seen a woman give." Lesa says bitterly, her arms crossed defiantly.

Treena leans in and folds her hands across her chest. Almost to copy or intimidate Lesa. "Shes an Avox! They betrayed this great country in such an awful way they cut off their tongues, don't feel bad for them, nobody does."

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