The Chariots

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"Why is he dressed the same as me?" Lesa asks rudely. She stands awkwardly beside the black horse that has ribbons falling on its side with 'District 9' written on it. The horse moves every so often, but oblivious that its riders are being shown off to die.

"Because both of you are a team, not enemies." Ami answers smoothly, and I do see her point. To make an impression, as she said. Show them we're a team, not to count us out like they always do to the Tributes from our District.

"What do we have to do?" I ask as I rub the horses back. "Just wave or?"

"Personally, I would wave or hold hands. As much as you don't want it to be, this event is merely to make a lasting impression with The Capitol citizens. You need to win them over so they have a good image of you before your interviews." Ami says. 

I notice Treena prancing up towards us from the end of the hall. The hall is huge, all twelve chariots lie in a row in front of the entrance. The other Tributes are just making sure they all look good, even though some of their costumes are dreadful.

Our costumes are meant to be elegant. My one is a gold suit with gold shoes and my hair has been sprayed gold. Lesa has the same thing except its a gold dress and has long golden straight hair, complete with the gold high-heels. We are, in all honesty, good looking. It looks slightly ridiculous to us at home, but here, we are the definition of elegant. The other tributes are dressed in the traditional costumes from their district. We surely do stand out, even if it doesn't represent District 9 in the slightest.

"You both look like true Capitol citizens!" Treena squeals as she finally approaches us.

"That's not the impression I'm giving off," Lesa says bitterly. "I will never be a Capitol citizen, and you won't be changing my style either."

"Treena, they're meant to be elegant and sweet. All they know from these Tributes is that Lesa's fiesty, however, they might root for elegance, and not anger." Ami says, touching her shoulder.

"Five minutes until launch." A voice says that booms over the stables. 

"Just a voice. Automatic." Ami reassures.

One Tribute walks over, it takes me a moment to realise who it is. It's the female from District 1. Her brown hair that is now curled bounces with her movement.

"Oh hello Huns! You both look dazzling!" She says in her high-pitched voice, and I don't know if that's a pun or not as we actually are, dazzling. Her dress flows back like a wedding dress, like a true Capitol wedding style. I recognise this style, as a few years ago a very high ranked official in the Capitol's wedding was broadcasted throughout Panem. 

"Well what are you meant to be?" Lesa smirks cheekily at her, taunting her, almost.

"I'm just coming over to spark some conversation, babe. Not to fight. Is it not a day to be celebrating?" She asks, and then she smiles nicely to Ami and Treena.

"You look gorgeous." She continues as she looks at me, then pinches my cheek. "So little."

"- and how old are you?" Ami asks, crossing her hands. 

"I'm seventeen, going eighteen in a few days, don't know when but that's what my Mother told me." She says so angelic to Ami, but I'm starting to get a very strong vibe that she will definitely not be like this in a week's time. 

"And what's your name, hun?" Lesa says mocking her.

"My name is Scarlet Vires. I know your name is Lesa, and this gentleman's name is Max. Only thirteen, so cute. Probably going to die first, but... I suppose that's what training's for!" She giggles. "Later, huns." She turns her heel and walks away back to her chariot at the top of the hall.

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