The End Of It All

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From my room, I watch most Districts. The faces staring at me at the stations as I pass by is disgraceful. First one I go through, of course, is District 1. The crowds and crowds of people staring at me through the windows. The look of disgust, the look of anger, the look of shame. I killed Greyson Vires and Ion killed Scarlet Vires. What if their parents were there staring at me? I'm sure they're too upset to function. I also know if they had the choice they would be throwing rotten food at the train, or bricks if they could. But they can't, I'm a celebrity, they'll be executed if they dare to touch me.

Each District I pass the electronic voice comes out to alert me where I am. District 2 was as bad, the crowds upon crowds of people from the moment I got into the boundary of the District staring at me. Most looked shocked, that a simple tiny child could do so much damage to Career Tributes. It's more a shock too because every single year the Careers get to the end and they're always the Victors. So it's mostly shock more than anything. But I learnt to ignore it.

I almost closed the curtains on the train as I passed District 3. The District Ion described is covered in factories and people flood the entire District. People are applauding me too but mostly staring, yes. But they wouldn't be angry at my victory besides Coil's family, but they all know he was in the wrong. I was protecting myself. I hope Ion knows I tried to protect her as much as I could. Coil can go fuck himself.

It's strange that I still think of them. I've been told to stop thinking of the past and to let go. But how can I stop thinking about the thing that brought me fame? My fortune? How can I stop thinking about that awful week that'll be always be planted into my brain. Even if I do stop thinking about it, I have my Victory Tour in 6 months. Then after The Games will begin again and I'll be forced to Mentor. To which of course the Victor's Mentor gets back in the Capitol scene like Mandrel is, and they're known again. They're known again for giving their knowledge to young Victors, that's why District 1, 2 and sometimes 4 are known for their Victors and Mentors.

Then of course comes the 'Mentoris Certamin'. When I Mentor next year, and if another Victor comes out from my District because of me, I get more money, more luxuries, more privileges. Such as I'll be able to visit more places than I'm allowed to know exist, I'll be recognised throughout Panem again. That's why I'll have even more pressure on me. It's a rivalry between each Mentor of each Tribute, because of course each Mentor wants to get it. But it's not mentioned as much between the outline Districts because none of them want to return to The Capitol or to have another competition to compete in. The Capitol don't put that much emphasis into it either because only Career Districts compete. Just because we don't mention it doesn't mean it doesn't exisit.

Then there's the other competition of 'Duplex Docere' which is if a Mentor produces a Victor, then their District brings out yet another Victor the year after, all Mentors from that District are brought together for a special occasion in The Capitol to celebrate the 'unity of mentoring'. The Capitol want constant reminding that Mentors are still Capitol property, and that they're always still caught up in a game even if they were promised immunity from school and work. We learnt all this in school, just no one ever mentions it.

Just as we're entering District 8, I get a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask.

"It's me." Mandrel's voice says from behind the door. "Can we talk?"

"Go away." I spit.

"Why are you being so blunt with me?" He asks. He steps in and I tell him to get out but he welcomes himself in anyway. I stare at him so uncomfortably, and he stares back. A strange atmosphere creeps over me but I know it's just because there's a person in my room. Also it may be because I'm isolating myself from everyone since The Games. The first thing that was said to me when I was picked up in the hovercraft was 'congratulations'. Mandrel was there looking down on me on the operating table with a weird spear-lookalike piercing the bottom of my stomach.

The End of Innocence: The 72nd Annual Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now