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The countdown begins, and immediately my palms begin to sweat. Glowing red numbers float above the Cornucopia. My brain begins to burn, and the weather isn't helping. Why give me a heat-containing jacket if the weather is blistering down? Trying to kill us of heat stroke? That wouldn't be much fun for the audience.

We're all in a full circle. I look to my left and on the pedestal is Shike Pelderm from 10 and to my right is the boy from 7.  District 7 is shaking uncontrollably, and his hands fumble around like mine were for the interviews. If I can notice it now, surely the cameras can too. Shike seems pretty fine considering his odds were so low to win. Determination is the emotion I sense from him. The air is still and the heat swells down on top of us.

My attention snaps to finding Lesa and Ion. After looking at everyone else scanning the Arena,  some looking dead ahead, others looking what is the quickest way to flee, I finally find Ion. She's fumbling around with her fingers too. Biting them, but still scanning and being observant. I notice Lesa only a few Tributes down from her, and as soon as I make eye contact with her, she nods. I'm assuming she means be ready. I nod back, and I have to assume too that Lesa knows what I'm intending. The Cornucopia ahead of me blocks about four Tributes from my sight.


I make eye contact with Scarlet after scanning the area once more. She's beside the boy from 10 who stares confidently towards the Cornucopia. She's leaning forward and the stance she's in resembles someone that is about to dive into a lake. She waves to me, but I don't bother waving back. She looks so confident, looking pretty and ready to kill once that gong goes off. I sense she has her eyes on something within the Cornucopia.

I know where my allies are, now it's time for the weapons. There's so much spread out the entire field. Spears, machetes, sharp staves, many other weapons that would pierce a child in a second. There are other useful objects lying around too, like rope and bags, water bottles, matches, pieces of plastic, even a bright red tent lies right in the middle. I need to get my hands on a weapon, though. Throwing knives or a knife is all I need. A bow would be handy but I can live without one. I notice that some weapons glisten under the high sun.


Using my hand to block the sun, I spot a set of bright coloured knives near the opening of the Cornucopia. But I know Vickin is skilled in throwing knives too, should I even bother trying to reach for them? But they're my only chance. One thing I'll give The Gamemakers, they threw in a lot of rucksacks, there's a bright blue one close to me, in a very reachable distance. A pack of matches and a water bottle lie beside it. That'll give me a good chance, but I need something to hunt with, and surely to kill.


Right, this is it. Twenty seconds left. I have to make a run for the knives. There's a bow with a few arrows beside them, but they're a bit further in towards the mouth of the Cornucopia. No. Knives, pick them up and that's it. The sweat drips off my forehead as I lean ever so slightly forward. I could grab a bag too. But what if... No. Knives... No... But...


I lean forward even more, to give myself a head start. I'm not the best runner, but I'd be able to get the knives and the bag if I put my mind to it, which I will. I could probably run back to the tree-line and then get tired but that's not where I can stop. Any Tribute can attack me in this open field. I have to run further than that and then we must find water. My breathing gets quicker as I feel the adrenaline surging through my veins. All eyes are watching.


Suddenly a huge blast of fire erupts only a few pedestals away from me. District 5's male fell off, causing everyone to go into shock and ruin the focus. I even hear a scream coming from one of the female Tributes beside his pedestal. The ground literally blows up and right after the eruption, body parts and soil shower us and when the gong goes off, no one even notices it.

The End of Innocence: The 72nd Annual Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now