The Interviews

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The crowd is going mental. The seats stretch upwards and it goes on for miles. Lights flash from the crowd and multicoloured lasers shoot from the stage deep into the never-ending crowd. The uproar from them is astonishing up close, a huge mass of sound all at once would scare even the strongest.

"Now settle down everyone, settle down!" He laughs. "We all know how excited we all are!"

This year, Caesar's wearing a red suit with red hair, red eyebrows, red eyelashes, red everything. Last year he wore a green suit with green everything. He's like the rainbow. He struts confidently over the whole stage, clearly exhibiting his stage-presence. 

Lesa keeps tutting and wobbling in her shoes beside me. For a split second, she almost takes her ridiculously high shoes off her, but she knows has to keep them on. She's probably worried she'll slip off the stage or something.

"Now, finally. The first Tribute will come out and start the show off. Which is of course, from the famous brother and sister act. Everyone, give it up for the starting Tribute of this special night, from District One, Scarlet Vires!"

I watch her hug her brother at the top of the line and then she walks out effortlessly and flawlessly in her heels, the crowd screams and squeals at the sight of her, roses are thrown too. She is undeniably stunning in looks, and I can picture her as the poster-girl for this year's Games if she wins. She sits in Caesar's chair politely, which he takes her hand and kisses it.

"What an entrance, Miss Vires!" He smiles.

"Aww thank you, Caesar. You always look amazing, I wouldn't be able to ever beat you." She giggles. Putting on the fake polite girl act for the endless crowd who laugh at her answer.

"So, the first thing we all want to know, we'll just say it first to get it out there, how do you feel that your own brother is in the Arena with you?"

The crowd shushes and silence falls upon everyone, no doubt a serious answer to start off a fun night to those watching here in The Capitol. She pauses and then frowns for a split second. "We'll pull through, we're an amazing set of Tributes, we'll be able to get through it."

The crowd applauds her honest answer.

"Too right," he says. "Now, how are you enjoying The Capitol?"

Her answers are pretty simple. Giving the odd compliment to Caesar and saying how privileged she is to be here. When she is asked to twirl, the crowd goes mental and throws more flowers. The night has only begun and I can tell she's going to be a serious contender, both in physicality and how the crowd will definitely sponsor her. I hate to say I cannot blame them.

"Thank you, you were such a delight, we are truly gifted to have you on. A big warm round of applause!" The crowd screams more than I have ever heard them before. Probably louder because I'm right beside them than on the television set at home.

"Now," he continues, "to continue the famous act, on now is District One's Greyson Vires!"

On walks Greyson, confident, but not as confident as his sister. He shakes Caesar's hand and they sit. Caesar says how it is truly the first time a brother and sister went into the Games together. Not back by back, but together. After a chat about how he scored an eight. Greyson replies how he just showed them what he can do. But then came the hard-hitting question I was expecting.

"Greyson, you and your sister both know that there is only one winner. One of you is going to have to perish. How do you feel about that?" Caesar asks leaning forward, bringing the crowd in, and us. I would be lying if I said I wasn't as intrigued as everyone else at home is. He stares deeply into her eyes.

The End of Innocence: The 72nd Annual Hunger GamesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz