The Big Three[✓]

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~~Previously on What In The Nine Realms!?!~~

' Actually that's my stuff, Tony told me that this room wasn't that used so I could move into this room well we can share if you want?' ' Yea sure...... I'll talk to Tony about it' she said and left with a smile.


/Thor's POV/

I was sitting in the kitchen eating some jelly candy when I heard Man of Iron or Stark walk in and go straight to the fridge. "Stark?" "Oh I just came to grab a snack" "Oh Okay" Tony got a donut out of the fridge and was about to bite into it when Captain's voice rang in our ears.

"Is that the last doughnut with Red,White,Blue sprinkles?"
Tony took a gigantic bite out of it.
"What did I tell you would happen , if you ate the last doughnut with Red, White, Blue sprinkles?"
"I'm a little foggy on it but it was something of raining down hellfire" Tony said with his mouth full
"That's right"
"And here I am without an umbrella"
"I feel a storm brewing"
"Woah woah woah. Calm thy tits Stark and Rogers" Lady Margaret said as she looked between the two who were having a staring contest.

/Third Person POV/

Meg then made a comment on how they were undressing eachother within their minds which made them glare at her as she and Thor laughed loud enough for the people in Central Park to hear. Steve cleared his throat and got a glass of water and left the room blushing a little.

Tony on the other hand was now chasing Meg as she still laughed. After awhile of running through the whole living room and kitchen Meg stood behind Thor still giggling.
"Meg get here right now"
"Okay okay, sorry bro , couldn't help it"
" By the way Lady Margaret I will be leaving for Asgard soon. Shall I get you anything from there?" Thor asked as he slowly started to walk out of the kitchen.
"No thanks but maybe get one of those whitish-lavender flowers for Y/N"
"Sure thing" he said and walked away smiling.
"What do you want?" Said Tony
"Oh well I was wondering if I could share my- I mean now Y/N's room with her?"
"We have many more rooms in the tower"
"Why didn't you think of that when you put her in my room huh?"
"Well you're room was the cleanest and I was to bored to call a cleaning company so I told her to stay in yours and you only visit thrice in a year"
"Yeah well I can't be walking around in the streets when S.H.I.E.L.D thinks I'm dead now can I ?" She said angrily
"Ugh, fine just don't annoy the kid with your cleanliness"
"Okay Good well what were you doing here either way?"
"Oh well I came down to grab a snack turns out I picked the last doughnut with Red,White,Blue sprinkles and Steve got mad"
"Oh well whatever, you two lads are weird"
"I take it from you" Tony said smirking as Meg sticked her tongue out at her older brother and walked away. Tony also returned back to his work and the rest of the day was spent quiet nicely as they watched Shrek after dinner and slept in the theatre room.


It's a short chapter I know but I'll be uploading more chapters soon.
That's it for today tho hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to like and comment if there are any spelling errors.
See you wonderful people in the next chapter till then byeeee!!!!

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