34. Relief

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Here's a Chapter for You dude!! sidneet_811
Let's Continue :)

Sid 's Pov :

I am Quite Glad, would be an understatement. I am fucking relieved, even toh I am still mad. Their lips were fucking inches apart tada.. tada.. tada.. tada.. 🧐Then suddenly they looked at each other and chuckled and moved away from each other. Goddy my dealing 😘is this what it is called FUCKING RELIEF😌, Truth to be told I don't even feel such a calm peaceful relief even when I am at the rest world unloading.. Well you guys should know 🙈 God!! I am so embarrassed😳

Looks like the bitch the one and only that vikku ke ke piggy elephant, is really a responsible fellow. Both of them took a seat at the table next to ours. Damn!! It ducking hurt da.. 🥺She didn't even spare me a glance


Both of them looked so engrossed into the meeting that they didn't even realise the presence of the She Devil Ghost👻 behind them who was glaring at My Avu and sending Lustful looks towards that elephant body, pig bum, gorilla talking, headless chicken head Vikram

Seriously the girls now a days doesn't even have a little bit of taste in boys like seriously see this Goddy, I Have fucking 8 packs and I don't think he even has a 6 pack 😏, I am The Hottest and the Sexist man you will ever find and here these girls are running behind that little mousy pig and leaving such a Piece of art over here 😒 Can't they try me instead of that that non-man Man.. 😚

" May be they would have, if you hadn't scared each of them who approach you with a single glare. Those poor souls literally piss their pants with a single look from you and run away miles apart just to get away from you. And do you really think they have the guts left left in them to fucking approach the Santan Himself..?? Dear Little Sidoo Kidoo, My Cute Muchy Choco pie baby brother "

I heard somebody say to me and suddenly feel a friction hit me on the head that's when I realized I fucking said it out aloud and probably everybody in the cafeteria had heard me as they were giving me looks that said ' are You fucking kidding me' , 'are you even serious' , 'fucking weirdo' . And the friction that fucking hit me was a smack on my head. I just gave them a my world famous monkey smile and scorned🥶 hearing the horrible nickname my Dear use for nothing but I still love you brother of mine 🙂

" You are never gonna change Siddharth, but I still love you my weird bandar " I heard a soft voice murmur, that I barely heard and the others couldn't have heard it. Wait was it My Avu..?? 😳 Did She Just say I Love You to me, You have got to be kidding me.. 🤐 Zip My Mouth

My Eyes widened hearing her say it, I just started at her and by the the looks of it she knew I heard it. But seeing the nervous feeling on her face and the fact that she is looking everywhere but me and suddenly the walls and floors seems to catch her intrest 🧐

Damn!!! I am fucking jealous of those creatures, it gets her attention without even asking and here I am begging for for her attention 😭 but still doesn't get it. Bechaare poor Sidoo. God why me, I mean no body even pity's me and Ohhh!!! Whatever it's not like I even want their pity, I am gonna break their jaw and teeth making them look like a granny and won't forget to break their nose into tinh little pieces if they ever gave me that stupid look of pity..

And Looking at My Angles reaction I don't think she wanted me to hear it. Looks like it was something only She was meant to hear. But Damn!!! Did I get a F.U.C.K.I.N.G.  R.E.L.I.E.F Hearing it..

But every good time has to fucking end in my life isn't it.The God Hates me way too much and don't worry you little third wheel in my love life the feeling is mutual, I hate you with every inch of fibre in my body 😤
But wait I have a question does even our body ever contain fibre in it..??
I don't know🤷‍♀

I mean come on I am your little bandar ain't I, you should compromise a Little bit dude!! I ain't sorry that I am not sorry. You get you apologies if you understand it but whatever I wouldn't want my goddy behind my back to set on ending my love story which is yet to start even before it starts just for my EGO

But this is Such a Relief Daaaa....

So This is The Chapter Guy's..
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Uffff.. What a relief😌
Sidoo 🤦‍♀️ Always gonna be the kiddo
See You all Soon With The Next Chapter... ☺🥰
Till Then byee... byee 👏

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