Snake Pit

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This scenario was requested by Espeon_Kurenai . I hope you like it. And sorry for the title name, I'm bad at giving names😅. I hope it met your expectations since it's my first time writing a request😅. If there's any other scenario you'd like to see, tell me. I'll try my best to write it.

(Normal POV)

Today is y/n's first day at snake pit. So right now she's wearing her uniform and her mask. After getting changed she goes to the training room and starts to practice. She's pulling a rope like machine to strengthen her launch. When two guys show up.

"Hey! Who're you?! I haven't seen you around here!" She turned around and saw an azure coloured masked blader. "Yeah! My crystal ball's saying that you shouldn't be here." A black coloured masked blader said.

Ignoring both of them, she started to train again. "Hey! Don't ignore us!!" The azure masked blader said, pulling her by the shoulder. He continued, "You maybe new here, but you don't get the right to wear that uniform on your first day, newbie!" "You need to reach our level to wear that uniform, new girl!" The black masked blader said.

"Let my bey do the talking." She said, emotionlessly as she showed them her bey. There was a dark aura surrounding both her and her bey. 

They went to the nearby stadium. The azure masked blader stood across from her, getting in launching position. Y/n pointed at the black masked blader. "You want to battle me first, newbie?" He said. Then y/n opened the second finger in her hand and pointed at the azure masked blader as well.

"Oh? What's this? You want to battle us both at the same time?" The azure masked blader said, smirking. "Aww. Confident much? Well, my crystal ball says that you won't be able to defeat even one of us, let alone two of us at the same time." The black masked blader said.

Y/n gave no reaction and stood there. They both got in launching positions and started to battle her.






"Ho-how could this have happened?" "This isn't the result my crystal ball showed me!" Both of them said at the same time, as they picked up there shattered beys. Y/n didn't just won with two burst finishes, she shattered their beys into pieces.

She walked and stood in front of their sitting bodies. They both looked up. They shivered by the dark aura surrounding her. "I didn't gave you the permission to judge me." She said, emotionlessly and went away. 

Little did they all know, Ashtem saw the whole thing. "Y/n l/n, your a wonder. Not only did you get emotionless but your bey did as well. You have a pretty strong bond with your bey. So much that the experiment affected it as well. Guess you won't be a failed project like 'Project Requiem', Pink Eye." He smirked.

Thank you for reading this. If I've made any grammatical mistakes feel free to tell me. Have a good day/ evening/ night.

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