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you have started a chat!

(y/n) is typing...

rich stalker :
ah darling dearest!
you're finally the one who texts me first :)
has our relationship gone that far already?
for you to text me first is quite the achievement!
oh my, sorry I rambled off.
good morning my dear!
how are you today?

(y/n) :
I'm doing great actually
how are you doing today my stalker

rich stalker :
ah I'm your stalker!
my heart is swooning and I feel butterflies in my stomach now!
but yes, I'm doing amazing today dear
in fact, when you started texting me first, my whole day just got better!
ah I love love love love you so much! you're so cute

(y/n) :
woah slow down buddy
I don't even know your name yet
and btw what are ur pronouns
I've always been referring to you as he or him but I'm not sure if you like that
I need to be respectful for my rich stalker sugar daddy thing yk

rich stalker :
you can continue to refer to me as he/him
though you can use whatever you'd like!
being called anything by you is a blessing itself already <3
and now you're even being respectful of me?
this is more than an amazing day!

(y/n) :
oh god
this attention is addicting

rich stalker :
it is?!
oh you make me the happiest man alive dear
I wish you could see how flustered I am right now
I look like a little girl who just got her first boyfriend!
but it's the opposite of course

(y/n) :
you haven't had a relationship before?
wow were you saving your first relationship for me?

rich stalker :
you read my mind darling <3

(y/n) :
I was joking

rich stalker :
oh but even if you were
you still guessed right!

(y/n) :
sorry I need to get back to class

rich stalker :
oh alright dear
talk to you soon :)

you have ended the chat!

hello ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now