Chapter 1: Prisoners Gambit

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A Few Months Later;
The prison was always so quiet, I don't remember when it was ever not quiet. Apparently Zero had done something more shocking then Wilbur has. Wilbur never went too far with things, nor has he ever done things he regretted. It was cold in the prison, the hard rock ground with doors that could break your hand if you punch it. Prison, wasn't fun. Though, Wilbur had to clean out his pockets, he managed to keep a picture. It was a photo of Phil, Techno, Tommy, and himself. He took a picture before he left to make a nation. He barely recognized himself. Throughout the years, he had gotten less sleep, and more visible scars. Especially the one he got from the explosion. He did, however, recognize Tommy, Techno, and Phil. Anyone other than the people in the server, was only a blur to Wilbur. It has been, what? 13-14 years since he had seen everyone else. Though he wasn't able to see anyone, he tried thinking about what people were doing. He had noticed about 2 voices inside the prison. One being one he couldn't think who it was, and the other, being Zero. He had overheard these conversations, Wilbur had noticed that Zero trusted this person, almost too much. Wilbur didn't try to communicate with the anonymous person. However, he did recognize one word from the person, "white flags". Wilbur, once again overheard Zero and the person talking about how they got here. "White flags?" The prisoner asked, "yep! It was Wilbur's idea." Zero said, pointing to my cell. "Wilbur? Huh, wouldn't have expected it." The prisoner said. White flags? White flags? I recognize this person, Wait a minute.. "I want to see white flags". But Dream had said that, he was never on the server. Wilbur's thoughts went in a tornado, then.. he remembers. His country, the explosion. That's why I didn't remember! He took one of my lives. Wilbur sat there, not making any sound to draw attention towards him. "Can I meet this Wilbur person? If we ever escape?" They asked, "sure!" Zero answered. Wilbur knew he had to find a way out, and fast. He started thinking of possible plans, making every observation, and possible effects.
Quackity sat at his desk, thinking. Should I let Wilbur out? I know he has done bad, but we did get Dream in that prison. And he did kill Wilbur. Will this work out? Quackity had already thought it through, he was going to let Wilbur out. He made sure no one would know. He started walking towards the prison. The obsidian and cobblestone walls stood polished and smooth. The prison was somewhat new, so he wasn't surprised. He walked through the doors, no one was at the stand. He went down the elevator and was in the hallways with multiple cells. It was quiet, too quiet. Quackity slowly walked towards Wilbur's cell. Wilbur was writing in a book, then looked up at the one outside the cell. "I am going to let you out." Quackity mouthed, Wilbur looked confused, "what?" He mouthed. Quackity slapped his face, and opened the cell door. He gripped Wilbur's writs and began to run throughout the server. Eventually they made it to Quackitys house. "You didn't have to, I had a plan." Wilbur responded, leaning on one of the walls. Quackity shrugged, "guess I'll tell Depression you escaped." "Fine fine, thank you duck." Wilbur said, reluctantly. "You'll be staying with me till this blows over." Quackity said. Wilbur looked confused once more, "where will I sleep?" Quackity pointed to a bed, that was next to his own. Wilbur had thrown himself onto the beds, and quickly fell asleep. Quackity patted Wilbur's head while he could. Quackity then sat back down at his desk, and filled out many paperwork.

Nation SMP: The Smile That Never EndsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora