Chapter 11; The Plan

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Days later
Wilbur woke up, not in a train station like he suspected, but in a house. It was Quackitys house. Wilbur tried to stand up, but was stopped with a shot of pain in his chest. He stared down at his chest. There were bloody bandages covering the upper torso of the taller. The arrow. He thought. It was proof that it wasn't a dream, and he wasn't happy that it wasn't a dream. Quackity walked in. "Oh thank god.." he muttered, "you're awake."
"Of course I am." Wilbur responded.
"I was worried."
"I can tell."
"We'll listen, Dream is hosting a festival. Two days from now." Quackity exclaimed. Wilbur stared. "We'll I have a plan." Wilbur said. Quackity stared at Wilbur, "I'm listening."
"What if before Dream says 'let the festival begin' we throw potions at him, then we can try killing him. Pretty cliche but that's the best I got." Wilbur said. "We'll try. However, we have no potions." Quackity responded. Of course we don't. "We'll guess whose past job was a brewer." Wilbur responded. Quackity nodded, "this may actually work." Wilbur tried standing up once more, but the pain was worse this time. "No, stay there. By tomorrow you'll feel better. For now just rest." Quackity exclaimed. Wilbur nodded. Quackity left, leaving Wilbur to rest.

(Sorry for short chapter- but I'm getting close to the finale)

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