Chapter 7; Dream On

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"Dream's out of prison." Phil responded. Quackity stood shocked, "what do you mean?"
"He's not in his cell."
"We'll he's probably tricking you. I'll check alright?"
"Alright, but if he's out, this server is in danger." Phil responded.
Quackity nodded, then watched Phil leave. It was around noon. Might as well check now. He thought. He went through the doors of his casino, to see Wilbur running towards him. "Quackity! He wants me dead!" Wilbur yelled, running towards Quackity and slightly hiding behind him. "Who? Who wants you dead? Why were you running?" Quackity asked, turning to face the taller.
"Is Dream. He's out of prison. He wants me dead." Wilbur panicked.
"First off; calm down. Second; Dream is in prison still."
"Then why did his attacks feel real?!" Wilbur slightly yelled back.
"Well. It could be a coincidence. I promised Phil I would check the prison."
"Dreams out. Trust me alright? I saw him. He wants the disk Quack."
"I'll check, alright? And if he wanted you dead, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything."
"You promise?"
Quackity nodded, he could sense the worry in Wilbur's voice. He hadn't seen Wilbur so jumpy since Depression wanted him dead. Though Wilbur was always worrisome. However, Quackity was still aware in case Wilbur was right, half the times he wasn't. Quackity opened his arms, offering an embrace. Wilbur hugged Quackity. The both didn't know how long it lasted, but none of them questioned it. I'll keep you safe. The hug was interrupted by the gushing wind. "I best be on my way." Quackity exclaimed, Wilbur nodded, and waved as Quackity walked away. Now to check that prison. Quackity thought.
The wind has picked up as Quackity walked, in fact, it was almost like a storm. It felt as though, someone was stopping Quackity from checking the prison. Though, Quackity was as tough as nails, he walked through the storm like it was nothing. Eventually he got to the prison. He expected to see Sam, though he wasn't there. No one was. He went down the elevator, and scanned the cells. He ran though every hall, checked every nook and cranny. No Dream. He rechecked each cell separately. He noticed one cell, that he guessed was Dreams, had a hole, leading out from the prison. Quackity followed the hole, and it did, it led to outside. Quackity stood outside, realizing what happened. He knew the server was under attack soon. He had to warn people, but who? He had to get posters, newspapers, anything to protect the future. Though, nothing can last forever.

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