A sketchy Guest House.

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Heesung was walking faster, almost running to reach the entrance before Cheonsa woke up. It was close- Heesung could see the tree from where he was. He scowled as memories of his past started to resurface once again. It ignited a flame within his heart and he felt like leaving Cheonsa behind so that he would never have to see her again.

He wanted to believe that the end of Cheonsa's life would end all his problems. He knew that was a foolish thought but sometimes these foolish thoughts were his only way to remain sane.

As he neared the tree, the thumping noise of his footsteps started to slow down.

His body stiffened once he reached it. He placed Cheonsa's sleeping self against a tree gently so that it would be easy for him to open the entrance to their world. She mumbled something incoherent under her breath before going to a deep sleep once again.

He approached the scared tree of 'Metsys' and placed his palm against its rough bark. His eyelids closed and he placed his forehead against the unusually warm bark of the ancient tree.

The tree radiated ancient magic which felt powerful yet so familiar. He would finally be back home after so many years. The thought sparked nothing but confusion within him. He was happy to be home but scared of what challenges awaited them. 

Earth had made him weak. He needed to breathe the wonderful air of his world, his home, Zenexia.

He focused on the feeling of warmth against his hands and called for the ancient magic and willed the entrance to open.

His skills were a bit rusty as he hadn't done it in years. It took some time for the magic to take its effect but eventually, he started to feel the familiar tugging sensation that spread throughout his body. A bitter smile played on his lips while he backed away from the tree.

The ground shook slightly and he could feel static all around him. An eerie humming noise filled his ears which made him look at Cheonsa to see whether her demon would wake up. Once he was sure that the magic wasn't Cheonsa's alarm clock, he focused on the tree once again.

The bark of the tree shuddered and a ripping sound echoed through the forest. The tree groaned to life and a huge crack appeared right in the middle of the tree trunk. He slowly lifted Cheonsa in his arms and watched as a gap opened up for them.

He hesitated at first, not knowing if anyone would even welcome them to their world. He questioned his own decision of returning several times. He told himself that it was his last chance to turn back around and let the prophecy take its course.

With a deep sigh, he knew what he had to do despite the odds being against him.

He peered inside the hollow space, trying to see what lay beyond them.

The pathway was pitch black with absolutely no source of light. It was as if the light from earth didn't belong to Zenexia.

He assumed that it was already night in Metsys. Time and space worked differently in each kingdom of Zenexia. It was quite hard to depict the time as it had been years since he last visited Metsys.

Heesung slowly stepped into the darkness before his thoughts would take over and create doubts in his mind. He was slightly overwhelmed by the sudden change of atmosphere, is it?

Unlike the hit and humid forest, it was a chilly night in Metsys- the first Kingdom of his world which was connected with Earth.

It was the kingdom of the shape-shifters.

He was still not close enough to the town in which he was planning to stay. He had to cross a fairly large stretch of forest before reaching the place.

The forest of Metsys was nothing like that of earth.

𝐓ђ𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝛈𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖ﺃ𝐭ђﺃ𝛈Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu