A Room Full of Shadows.

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Heeseung didn't know what to do. He was too furious to even care about her. She always created problems. How dare she slammed the door in his face?

Whatever he said was very rude but he meant every single word. With an angry grunt, he grabbed his jacket and left the hotel to clear his head.

He didn't know where he wanted to go. He walked aimlessly for a few minutes. The place didn't feel as lively as it used to. Many things had changed through the years and yet it reminded him of his short-lived freedom.

He found himself halt under a very familiar tree. The leaves of the tree were the same purple colour. He felt his chest tighten. This was the place where he used to meet Mi-Yong. All those little Rendevous were sketched in his memory forever.

This was the place where he was supposed to see for the last time. Only if he was fast enough, he could have saved her that day.

The boy shook his head to get rid of the regretful thoughts. There was no point in blaming himself. It won't bring back Mi-Yong. All he had to focus on now was putting his plan into action.

He looked around in slight confusion. This place used to be full of people. Oddly enough, Heeseung couldn't spot many people. The market that was once there was shut down after the massacre. The only remails were destroyed reminiscence of a few stalls and many white flags buried in the memory of the dead.

Looking at the horrifying sight, a shiver ran down his spine. An unsettling feeling crawled up into his heart and something told him that he should head back to the hotel.

Upon realizing that he was worrying about Cheonsa, he chose to push the feeling down and walk away from the scene.

Instead of worrying about her, he decided to use his free time to how he should approach the whole Jungwon situation.


Heeseung owed him his life and now Jungwon needed help. Heeseung didn't even know who took over this kingdom and put the crown prince up for execution. As far as Heeseung knew, Jungwon couldn't even hurt a fly.

Jungwon's father was a great king, loved by his people. Jungwon was loved by the people of Metsys well. Even though he had some problems with his shape-shifting abilities, his kindness always won over everyone's heart. No one questioned his decisions. He always put his people first and the people of Metsys were more than willing to accept Jungwon as their king as soon as he would be of age.

Heeseung's thoughts were interrupted by a loud shriek of protest.

Before he knew it, he was already running towards the sound. It took him a while to find the source of the commotion.

He reached the centre of the main village market while following the desperate cries of the woman. He had to push through a small crowd to finally get a look at what was going on.

A woman was crying on the dirty ground while a few big palace guards held her back. The largest guard was pulling a young boy away from the woman.

"No! Please. My son is still a child. Let him go, I beg of you" the woman, whom Heeseung guessed was the mother of the young boy, cried out.

"Mother!" the boy screamed and received a sharp slap from the guard.

One of the guards who was holding back the mother yanked her hair and she screamed in response.

"Listen you, filthy woman. Your husband died while serving this kingdom. Therefore, your son must take his father's place in the kingdom's army! You have no say in this," the guard growled in her ears.

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