A Cheesy Morning.

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Heeseung couldn’t remember the last time when he had felt this sleepy. He could feel the day beginning to brighten up through his closed eyelids. His mind was telling him that he had more than enough sleep but his body acted stubbornly. He wanted to stay under the sheets forever if possible.

A familiar smell had invaded his senses. It was comforting. It reminded him of home. Not the home where his father did nothing but torture him but a home that he dreamt of having for as long as he could remember.

The blankets provided an unusual warmth to one side of his body. So, he stayed completely still, scared that one slight movement might take away the warmth that he was basking in. However, this felt foreign. Comfort was never meant for him. He didn’t deserve it.

The very thought forced him to open his droopy eyes.

To say that Heeseung was confused would be an understatement. Waking up with a face full of raven hair was not the best morning call. He could only stare unblinkingly at the mass of silky hair for a few seconds.

The last time he checked, he didn’t have long hair.

All the sleep suddenly went out of the window when he finally realised whose hair it was.

Cheonsa was peacefully sleeping right next to him. The fact that Heeseung was the one cuddling Cheonsa, was enough to make him want to throw himself out of the window.

How would he ever explain himself if Cheonsa were to open her eyes right now?

How did she end up beside him?!

He didn’t dare move. He went as far as not to breathe at all. He would rather die than let Cheonsa find him cuddling her.

One of his arms was around her small waist. Even at that moment, Heeseung couldn’t help but wonder how unhealthy she was. He could feel her weak bones against his skin.

He made a mental note to feed her another tray of food as soon as possible.

He lifted his head ever so slowly to see the chains still clasped around her ankle. So much for allowing her to walk around. But one thing was for sure- Cheonsa’s demon was a lot more confident than her human side.

He took a deep breath and slowly inched away from her. He had to free himself one way or another. If she were to find out, he would have no option left but to give her up for adoption again.

Sensing his movements, Cheonsa immediately scrunched her face and turned her body to face him. Then without any warning, she lifted one leg and wrapped it around his body and snuggled closer to his warmth while mumbling something about magical reindeer.

Usually, this was when things were supposed to get a bit cheesy.

Heeseung felt his body go absolutely stiff. He forgot how to breathe for a while. He dared to take a short peek at Cheonsa who looked quite content with the newfound warmth.

He let out a shaky breath.
If things were going to be this way, might as well get over with it.

Without thinking twice, Heeseung squeezed his eyes shut and placed his hands firmly on her shoulders. The next second, Cheonsa flew out of the bed and crashed on the cold, hard ground. Heeseung’s hands remained outstretched in the air for a few seconds before he tucked them inside the blanket.

Cheonsa’s eyes snapped open and she looked around in alert. She groaned in pain and struggled to sit up. She just experienced one of those dreams where you just start free falling randomly.

She finally noticed the pair of doe eyes peeking from the top of the bed.

Heeseung was staring at her with slightly annoyed eyes. Cheonsa, on the other hand, was still trying to understand how she ended up on the floor.

“Why were you on my bed?” he asked accusingly

“What are you talking about?” Cheonsa managed to mumble out.

She was still drowsy from the lack of sleep. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the couch. Although, now she was a few feet away from the couch, lying on the floor. But her brain was too tired to put logic behind it.

Heeseung wanted to knock some sense into her head but decided against it. It was not like she would know what happened. It was her demon who did it. There was no point in arguing with her now.

Heeseung lazily got up from the bed and unlocked her chains with a stoic face. Cheonsa watched him in a daze. Her eyes were only half open and her hair looked like some creature must be living in there.

Heeseung could only sigh. How come she was the same Cheonsa that he had left behind years ago? How come she brought back so many memories with just a simple gesture?

It made her presence suffocating.

“Go and freshen up, we need to talk,” Heeseung ordered.

A soft sigh escaped Cheonsa’s lips as she headed toward the bathroom. She knew that even if she asked what had happened, she would never get an answer. It was like living in a room full of white walls.

She came out of the bathroom after finishing her business. To be honest, she was quite curious about what he would want to talk about. Who won’t be? The guy who chooses to ignore her entire existence suddenly wants to talk.

As soon as she came out of the bathroom she was faced with Heeseung, who was holding fresh sets of clothes and had an impatient look on his face.

“Took you long enough,” he said and pushed past her to the bathroom.

Cheonsa just rolled her eyes. She was so done with his attitude. She walked towards the window that gave a nice view of the unknown city.

Where were they again? Metsys?

She definitely heard people mention the name a couple of times. They also referred to the place as a kingdom. The place looked so different from the city she came from.

But somehow, the place felt familiar. It was not possible, though. As far as she could remember, the only two places she knew were her old home and the apartment where she used to live.
It was like she dived into one of those adventure novels she used to read. Except, the title of her story would be ‘Cheonsa’s Adventure Through Unknown Worlds with a Grumpy Kid and Thousands of Unanswered Questions.’

There was a sudden knock on the door which interrupted Cheonsa’s train of thoughts. She snapped her head towards the door of their room. Her heart was beating unusually fast. Her eyes glared at the bathroom door wondering when Heeseung would come out of his unnecessary long shower.
Was she even allowed to answer the door?

The person behind the door knocked again. This time it was a bit louder and impatient. She back up against the window trying to distance herself from the door. The sound of water from the shower was making her feel even more nervous.
She doubted that if she would scream Heeseung would jump out of the shower to save her. His pride was a lot bigger than her life.

She gulped and puffed her cheeks.

Heeseung wasn’t there with her even a month ago. She was not dependent on one grumpy kid with trust issues. She could handle an unwanted visitor. It could just be room service.

Her eyes scanned the room to find anything that’s oils cause some fatal damage to the intruder. There wasn’t much. An empty shampoo bottle, Heeseung’s bag, some pillows and a comb.

Her eyes landed on the pillows again. If used properly, anything could be a deadly weapon. It was all about confidence and a scary expression with an even scarier monologue.

What could possibly go wrong?

She clutched one of the pillows and got into her best fighting stance. She was ready to spill some blood if necessary.

With a deep breath, she put on her best impression of Heeseung’s angry face and opened the door, “Heyyyaaa!”

She slammed the pillow on the intruder’s face and heard a satisfying ‘oomph'. But it was just the beginning.

She repeatedly smacked the intruder with her pillow, “Die, die, die! Taste my vengeance, you evil being. You shall not trespass into my territory. Turn you back and leave or I will make you taste your own blood!”

Her scary monologue sounded scary enough to her. She was quite proud of herself. But the moment was short-lived.

Being so occupied with the monologue, Cheonsa had failed to notice that the stranger was already inside the room. Her weapon was snatched away from her and she was suddenly pushed up against the door which was now closed once again.

It took her a few seconds to realise that her weapon was gone, her plan was failed, the intruder was holding her captive between him and the door and she was locked inside with him in her own room with Heeseung still showering.

She desperately tried to break free from the intruder but he was too strong. She kicked and slapped but he didn’t budge. Finally, she tried to use her last card. With a deep inhale, Cheonsa prepared to scream for Heeseung.

But before she could, the stranger placed a hand on top of her mouth, “Please don’t scream.”
Cheonsa immediately shut her mouth. Maybe the stranger wasn’t evil at all. An evil person won’t say ‘please’. She slowly lifted her gaze and fixed them upon the tall boy. She was immediately met with bright blue hair and kind yellow eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s me! Your heavenly water guy!” A soft voice spoke.
It was that guy. He gave her a reassuring smile.
His feline eyes stared into hers as he spoke up, “It’s an honour to meet you again, your majesty.”

Cheonsa blinked. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. She was suddenly aware of his large hands pressed against her lips and his handsome face just inches away from her. She could feel her cheeks becoming hotter by the second.

He brought his face closer to hers and whispered,” Though I didn’t expect you to scream at me like that with a pillow. It was quite the welcome.”

She blinked again. Her face had reached the limit of redness and she prayed to God that he would not notice.
A soft chuckle left his lips, “As much as I would like this to continue, I have other works to do. But I should say one thing. You look cute when you blush, your majest-“

“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!” Heeseung’s voice bounced off the walls.

Yeonjun jumped away from Cheonsa, finally releasing her. Cheonsa could only deadpan at Heeseung wondering why of all the times he had to come out of the shower now.


𝐓ђ𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝛈𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖ﺃ𝐭ђﺃ𝛈Where stories live. Discover now