Referred Pain (Part .75?)

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A/N It's time for some MCD/Mystreet angst. I have a headcannon that both versions of Aphmau have dreams about the other, and well, I wanted to touch on that.

Aphmau snapped awake, her heart pounding, body shaking and a cold sweat permeating her night gown.

She'd lost him, it was a strange, so lifelike of a nightmare, she screamed in silence as he plummeted off the cliff she had pushed him from. Blood was smeared on her hands, but she was crying, screaming into her own head without anything coming out.

Her whole body shook with grief and shame, a choked sob escaped her mouth despite her best efforts to not awaken her house mate.

"Huh?" A sleepy voiced questioned from the floor, and a figure rose slowly from his bedroll, glancing around worridly.

She didn't like him sleeping there, but Laurance had been very against them sharing the bed and Aaron himself insisted he sleep in a bedroll at least until he could get a second bed in their tiny shelter.

"Aphmau? Are you okay?" He lit a candle that unfortunately banished the darkness that was hiding her tears, she tried quickly to look away, to hide the fact she was crying.

"What... happened?" Her throat was full of sobs and her mind was somewhere between here and the moon. She didn't answer, and could only bury her face in her hands.

"Garroth again? I still have those kinda nightmares too... where I relive it." He hesitated, and his voice wavered before he finished, all she could do was shake her head no, the sound of his voice making another sob escape.

The vivid image of betrayal stained on his face as he plummeted caused another wave of grief to wrack through her body.

"Then who did you lose? Laurance? Lilith?"

He squeezed her shoulder and it broke the dam she didn't know was cracking, she launched forward into his chest, desolving her strength into uncontrollable sobbing, Aaron barely had time to catch her, he brushed his fingers through her hair, trying anything he could think of to calm her down.

"I- no." A strangled response finally was able to squeak past the waves of emotion, she closed her eyes, trying to focus on his fingers to shut out the shame.

"You." She managed to say through warbled watery sobs. "I lost you."

"Me?" Aaron's voice cracked in surprise, and for a moment he was lost on what to do, but seeing her so obviously broken over her nightmare made him want to do something.

"I'm right here." He whispered quietly, wrapping his arms around her shaking figure and pressing her ear against his heart.

"See? Focus on my heart, I'm here." His ears burned with embarrassed blush, he would often to this with Jacob when he would have a nightmare, he wasn't sure how applicable it was now.

Slowly, her sobs became less frequent, although her hands had at one point found his and had refused to let them go since, he didn't mind, as long as she was finding her strength.

She backed away after another few moments, her eyes red and puffy, but the light had returned to them, although now his chest and jacket were soaked.

"I-I um, don't know where that came from." She mumbled, Aaron could tell she was slightly embarrassed, from the pink staining her ears, he chuckled, putting a hand on her

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She made eye contact with him then, like she was searching for an answer to his question, after a moment, she looked down and nodded.

"I uh, pushed you off a cliff. There was blood on my hands, yours." Aphmau felt guilt rise up within her again, but pushed the feeling back down.

"You looked so betrayed, but you still had this... light in your eyes, like you were forgiving me right then and there."

"You're crying again." Aaron was concerned, without thinking much of it he wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"I think that's what gets me, I don't think I deserved to be forgiven." Aaron only nodded, the candlelight playing with the soft edges of his hair.

"It feels like a memory, but it's not mine, like I'm watching someone else but I know it's me." She felt more tears slide silently down her face, but Aaron had wiped them away once more

"Aphmau, calm down. Whatever happened isn't real." He gripped both of her shoulders, making her look at him and examine his face. Mostly, the deep scar that went across the bridge of his nose and almost into his right eye.

"You... didn't have that scar." Aaron blinked in confusion and touched the scar absent-mindedly.

"I've had this scar since before we met." He replied, his hands finding hers again as she closed her eyes in thought.

"There was blood on the snow, I don't-" Her head was starting to pound, but she didn't stop trying to remember every detail.

"Forget it, it was just a dream." Aaron took a hand a brushed the side of her face, taking her out of the moment.

"Yeah. You're right. Thank you." Without thinking she leaned into his hand, it felt nice, calming. And she sighed.

"No problem." His voice was a few tones softer, enough for her to pick up on it and look up at him, his eyes were shiny, like he was about to cry.

"Sorry." He quickly snapped his hand away and looked elsewhere. Turning away to head back to his bedroll.

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