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hello! I try not to do these very often but I was in a car accident so I don't know how long it will be until I update, I'm sorry about this ill try to update soon I promise

Just thought I'd update this little thing here, and yes I will try to upload a chapter today sorry it's been so long, but for anyone curious here's what happened, we (me and my mother) were driving at highway speeds and it was rush hour, (we were following the law don't worry) and this deer came out of nowhere, so I yelled deer and she tried to stop but we were so close and there was no stopping it, the deer was the only one hurt/killed that night. And as we go to pull over to take care of the deer we got tailgated, shoved into the ditch, and their truck sat low enough and ours high enough that their nose went under us and flipped us diagonally. We called 911 and everyone was physically okay, both trucks totalled, sorry I took such a long break for something that didn't physically injure me or my family.

But like I said I will try to update today

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