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Name: Devent Wilson.
    Reason for name: meanings poet, he's a natural-born writer.
Nickname: Dev.

Gender: Male.
    Pronouns: He/Him.
Sexuality: Gay.

Age: 17.
Species: Reindeer.
Occupation: Grocery cashier.
Income: 14.41 hourly.
Living space: a two-bedroom apartment near the school. Lives with his family.


Detailed appearance: Devent is an average-sized reindeer - possibly smaller - with large antlers. His fur is a light gray-ish brown with a darker cape over his back and a dark underbelly.
His throat and neck fur are white and so is a streak running across his stomach.
His face was the same light gray-ish brown with a darker mask around his eyes and along the bridge of his snout. His legs and arms fade into a darker color, a white ring around his ankles and wrist.
One of his eyes is a dark brown, the other is a striking yellow. A tuft of hair covers that eye.
   Simple appearance: a smallish reindeer with dark markings and large antlers.
Scars/Disabilities: N / A.
Unique features: lightning-yellow eye.
Clothes: Devent usually wears black trousers with a dark grin button-up plaid shirt with long sleeves. Over that is a murky brown, sleeveless knitted vest. He also wears an inexpensive silver watch.
He also has a small tote bag he carries that holds all his items: notebooks, his private notes, pencils, etc.

Personality: Devent is usually quiet and thoughtful, however, he has a short fuse and won't stay quiet for long when it's been lit. He had a great interest in poetry and writing in general, and takes his passion very seriously.
Devent is also quite witty and could possibly come off as rude at first, and he doesn't take lightly to strangers invading his personal space and privacy.


Family: Oscar - Father ; Merry - Mother ; Julieanna - Younger sister ; Gina - Older sister.
Backstory: Devent has moved all around the country, and he never tried to make friends that he would only lose touch with. However his short time in each school did bring enemies, and soon fights began to erupt wherever he went.
Other: He has a strong dislike for his sisters, as they constantly tease him.


It's the middle of the school year right after the first semester finals. You pass, despite lacking any studying prior. You're congratulated by your peers, and to celebrate the new semester you decide to throw a party.

However, a day or two before your party s new kid shows up, dressed in aesthetic clothing and with an uninterested look on his face. He makes no move to talk to anyone besides his tour guide, a close friend of yours that you instantly ask for the details about the reindeer after third period.

"He's a transfer student." They say. "Got into an intense fight at his old school and was forced to move here. Has a dirty record of being a troublemaker, despite who nonchalant and quiet he is."

That's all they say before the bell rings and you're ushered to class by hall monitors. At lunch, you noticed that you share the same lunch as him. He's sitting underneath a massive oak tree, away from the outside tables and in the courtyard's grass. He seems to be scribbling on something, and looks completely absorbed in his task.


- Must be a popular person around the school.
- Same grade as him (Junior).

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓 - 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora