Ensnaring eyes

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Ed's POV

She looked so innocent in her lavender dress. Her ash blond hair waving down her back, her face typical of a pretty teenage girl. But it was her large amber coloured eyes that made her special. They were simply bewitching.

I had found her at last. She was the same witch who led my baby brother to his demise.

I vowed to my self

I will destroy you Amber.

Amber's POV

My name is Amber Marie Hartwood. I like my name but people mostly call me Marie as there are two ambers in our village.

The other one is Amber Lynn. She is a beautiful flirt very popular among the masses while I am nobody. Its her idea to be exclusively called Amber. She introduced my second name Marie to the common folks of our village. Though I like amber better because the name suits well with my Amber eyes.

Amber Lynn hails from a rich family. Both her parents dote on her. My family is dead. They died when I was a kid. At present I live with my aunt who is a poor woman.

Superficially Amber and me; we share names but are polar opposite. 

The other Amber is a beauty. She has golden hair while I am ash blonde. She has milky white skin. In contrast I have a dark tan due to the hard work i am used to do after the death of my parents. Her features are perfect, mine are normal. Her eyes are deep blue like the ocean with long eye lashes, mine they are not so ordinary. They are amber with golden flecks. Some times they give the tint of fire.

Eyes is perhaps the only department where I can compete with her. People have told me since childhood that my eyes are very beautiful and captivating. My eyes make them remember my name Amber. So half the village calls me Amber while other half calls me Marie.

These days Amber Lynn with her parents is visiting her uncle that lives in a fancy faraway city of Bosch. Our coastal village of Valeria is sometimes too boring for her. There fore she occasionally  spends her time with her uncles in the big city. Thanks god she will not come back until the next spring.

I have a whole year to enjoy.

I moved my hands quickly and baked the rest of the biscuits. After I was done I collected my daily wages and left Mrs. Ham's Bakery.

It was a beautiful day in our small village. The village was the only human population on these coasts. It was miles away from other towns and cities. A dense forests stretching across half of the coast surrounded Valeria on two sides and the sea on the other side while the fourth side met barren mountains that connected our village to faraway towns.

I was making the run down to the coast. There I had a small boat waiting for me. I loved to go out in the sea. This was my only enjoyment. Sometimes I would land at the other side of the coast in the forest which was otherwise inaccessible to humans due to its rough topography.

I loved going there. Nature was so beautiful. Today also I planned on visiting the forest though my aunt was against it. People called it a spooky forest. Most of the people who visited the forest for acquiring medicinal herbs or hunting game birds had encountered accidents due to the unruly terrain.
Obviously life is the most precious commodity thus people avoid going there.

I am an exception though nobody knew about my secret visits to the forest and it was better if I keep it  that way.

As I was leaving the village I saw a man on a black stallion.

He was the most handsome man that I had ever seen. He was very large perhaps 6 feet tall. He had dark black hair and intense blue eyes. With his perfect muscular body he could get any girl in our village especially Amber, unfortunately she was unavailable at the moment.

His horse came closer and he asked me:

Are you Miss Amber

I nodded and asked back

"Do I know you"

"Not yet"

He replied and galloped away.

That was the first time that I cancelled my plan of visiting the forest.

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