A blank canvas

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I am a blank canvas. I don't have any family ever since I was baby... the only person I am attach to is Agent Twilight the only person who has taken care of me since I was 5 months old. from the day I could talk, walk and understand. I was trained to be a spy by the agency. I was shaped into an excellent spy. made to be a blank Canvas. I could this and that to that. inflitrate this and that. 

I don't mind the spy life... but I want to have a family... I want to have normal life... but with my family as a spy that isn't going to happen for awhile... but our mission <operation strix> I could have a fake family with Mother, father, and sister. It's nice, even if it's not a real. at least I get experience the life of a family. 

Attachments I shouldn't get attached to this family. ultimately, we'll have to leave this family behind. But... Will it really hurt? If We didn't...? I hope not. Because it's nice.

*Slit!* Y/n looked at the cut on their finger... They felt nothing, emptiness. "Hmmm..." They placed the knife down. They washed their hands and put a Bandaid on it.

Emotionless... Only times of pain and thought... But that is just two times on the other side being surrounded with deception, Death, and violence ... It shaped Nightmare into something more... More... Worse.

"Have-!" *Tink!* The Magazine fell from from the Clip of the Pistol. The Name Nightmare wasn't only a codename It's also what the enemy see him as. Their worst Nightmare, when they hear the words... "Your Nightmare begins here!" Loud or silent it Tells the end of their plans and death.

Nightmare is a Spy and... maniac. Covered up by their Impeccable Acting.

Even giving the chance, They will not hesitate to take apart in Torture, brutality, psychological horror, and worse acts. But they want to savour this feeling. They doesn't do them often only on special occasion.

They also think about them constantly. So Anya knows to not get on their bad side. But when all things are done for... In the end of day their a normal kid.

All be it with some talent. "Hugh! Hugh!" Y/n struggle to get the apron back on. "Hugh! Come on!"

They sighed before just placing it on the counter.

They turned to the morning soup they were making. Y/n watched it boil. Before he turned off the stove and opened it up.

"Morning soup!" Is what he calls it. A regular food they make when on mission with other spies. They are too young to get their own mission and They are usually accompanied by Another Spy or Regularly by Twilight.

They grabbed a Bowl and took out a large one before running to the television and turning it on.

It was 5:30 AM in the Morning, they are an Early bird. Loid stumbled out of his room. "Morning!" Y/n Greeted him.

"Eating already?"

"It's your fault. For not Feeding me anything last night"

'you didn't want to cook anything' loid rolled his eyes. "Morning soup?" Y/n nods. They continue to sip their soup and Watch TV living the high life I would say.

LoI went and gone to get Some Morning soup too. He could smell the soup and it was delicious... "Can you open the lid so it could cool off?" Y/n asked.

"Why?" "It tastes better!" Y/n said. He didn't understand that child. Y/n finishes up and goes to clean his Bowl, while Loid reads the news paper sipping on Morning soup.

Soon the Mom and Sister woke up. The Mother woke up first. "Good morning you two..." loid Nods at that while taking another bowl of Morning soup, it was too good.

"Oh, Did you make that?" She asked him. "No, Y/n made it" she was Surprised by the Child, they didn't pay attention of course they were too busy watching TV.

"They can Cook?" "Yeah... It's one of the skills they learned from their Mother"

Nightmare learned how to cook when on a long mission with Loid. "Wow! So talented!" 'a child Can cook but I can't!?'

She Couldn't cook. She decided to try out the soup and- 'huh!? T-this is the greatest soup I Have ever tasted...! This kid has some serious talent!!!' she was crushed and Amazed. Reality hit her hard, while her kid can cook she couldn't.

Y/n remembered something, they forgot to write down the recipe for the soup... They've been making it for so long that it was all memory. They stood up and ran to their room and rummage to find the recipe book they had.

They wrote down the recipe on the front page. They were wondering why they hadn't written anything on it.

"Can I have a look at that?" She asked, them. Y/n Happily gave it too her. The new recipe they wrote down was simple enough.

'Morning soup? How cute!' she flipped to the next page. This was complex one too complex to understand for a child like them! She expected simple easy to make something like Them can understand. But this second recipe... It had ever specific detail,to what knife to use, what brand, how many to cut how long, what height, length, width, even too how fast to cut it... And that's Just one part.

At the front it's said. "That this is all of my Personal Recipes!" Ever single Complex Dish here was made, crafted, taste tested, served and Perfected!!! A million times over!

Her hopes and dreams now we're truly Crushed.

"I'm never going to be a good chef like Y/n" They heard and turned to her and gave a warm smile. "Don't worry ma! With enough time, determination, blood, sweat, and Cuts! You'll be good like me!" Y/n said Patting their mother on the head.

"Really!? You think so?" Y/n said. "Then can you teach me?" Y/n wasn't prepared for this question... Loid stepped in. "I think you're putting too much on kid" Loid said. "Oh!? Am I? S-Sorry!" She looked away embarrassed. "It's ok" Loid said.

"How long did, you spend on mastering cooking?" Y/n thought back...

"Two weeks" they said with blank face. "Hah? Two weeks?! that's impossible!"

"Hehehe..." 'I have way to much free time on that mission...'

Her spirits are low now... On the chances to make good food for her Family.

The end.

Completely derailed. This chapter derailed quickly.

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