Chapter 5

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[Wall Rose; Eve of the Counteroffensive]

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[Wall Rose; Eve of the Counteroffensive]

"It's safe to assume our standing orders will stretch into next week. But word through the grapevine is we're gearing up for a big mission a month from now."

I took a sip of my tea, lounging back into the uncomfortable wooden chair. Eld paused his report, taking a sip of his drink as well.

The Levi Squad sat in one of the large dining halls of our new castle home, drinks in hand and stomachs full after a hearty dinner. It was dark out, the moon well over the horizon, and our small band was illuminated only by a few candles in the center of the table. 

"Yeah, a mission where a bunch of wet-behind-the-ears graduates are slated to be our main backup." I grumbled, glancing around the table and catching Eren's worried face.

He was no doubt thinking about his friends in the 104th, many of whom wouldn't survive this excursion. It was just a matter of statistics.

"That can't be right. Why do something like that? The cadets have been through enough with the last Titan attack. Why subject them to that kind of danger again?" Eld furrowed his brows, turning his face to me. I took another large sip of tea, sighing as Oruo interrupted.

"You have to wonder how many of those snivel-drop runts peed themselves-"

"-I happen to remember a certain snivel-drop runt who wet his pants on his first mission." I cut in quickly, lips pursed. The blonde man clicked his tongue, sending me an irritated glare across the table. I smiled wickedly at Oruo over my teacup and Petra snickered from beside him.

"Mission planning isn't my responsibility." Levi cleared his throat, ignoring Oruo's outburst and my snide remarks. "But, it is Erwin's. You can bet the man's obsessed over every angle."

"That's the truth. Especially given how unique the situation is. Hope has come in a form nobody expected, one we're not even entirely sure how to deal with." All eyes turned to Eren as Eld spoke, intently searching for a reaction. The kid released a small gasp, holding each of our gazes for a second, ignoring mine. I sighed. "Most of us still find it hard to believe. So how does it work? This whole changing into a Titan trick?"

We all leaned in, eagerly waiting for Eren's response. But, just as he opened his mouth, Levi interrupted.

"You're not going to get anything out of him, apart from what the scribblers have laid out in the reports." The Captain grabbed his teacup, bringing it to his lips and taking a sip.

I scoffed at his words, taking my own sip of hot liquid.

"Not that you-know-who won't make an attempt." My sarcastic mumble was paired with a pointed look at Levi, brows raised.

Petra giggled again, hearing my words from across the table. Levi glanced at me.

"You'll be lucky to come out of it alive if that one lays into you. 'Course it's only a matter of time."

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