Chapter 11

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Depictions of Gore and Death

[Forest of Giant Trees; The 57th Expedition]

The thundering steps of our horses drowned out any approaching Titans, but their hideous faces could still be seen over the tops of the abandoned houses that littered the outskirts of Karanese District.

It was horrendous.

There's nothing I hate more than Titans, absolutely nothing more disgusting and vile. The very look thought of their faces made my skin shiver with distaste and anticipation.

The screams of the support squad echoed in my head as they followed after any rogue Titans; many of them wouldn't make it past the city ruins.

"Long-range formation. Let's go!"

At Erwin's command, the squad expanded, filling out the ranks that we had all spent weeks memorizing and studying. The rest of the Survey Corps pushed away from our group, the Levi Squad staying straight and true at the center.

No one else knew our real position within the formation, as was the plan.

We followed Erwin's green flares, pushing at high speed as the spotters alerted the command squad for Titan positions. It was going smoothly so far, but I knew that couldn't last long.

I've got a really bad feeling.

Taking a deep breath, I fiddled with the reins of my mare, looking over at Levi who rode next to me.

He met my gaze, furrowing his brows.

"What?" His voice was clipped, barely loud enough to be carried over the wind. I shook my head, looking forward again.

He sighed, directing his horse closer, leaning in so his face was mere inches from mine.

"You're a shitty liar." He grumbled, pulling himself away so he was sitting properly in the saddle. I rolled my eyes, throwing my head in his direction.

"Okay, fine, I'm a little worried. This isn't like any mission we've done before and the odds.." I trailed off, my eyes flickering between his grey hues and the way he fiddled with his reins. His fingers twisted, twirling a silver ring around the base of his middle finger.

He was nervous too.

Grunting, Levi shrugged, looking forward and adjusting his grip for the final time. As if the thought of my worry, eased his.

"You've never been wrong, you've got a better intuition than any other soldier I've met." Again, he spoke at a barely audible volume, probably for the sake of the squad riding just feet behind us.

I smiled to myself at his words, keeping my eyes on him as I spoke my next words.

"You'd better stop kissing my ass Captain, I might just fall in love with you." I taunted, and my nerves washed away at the sight of Levi's small smile, glad that my joke had lightened the mood.

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