Chapter 14

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Depictions of Gore and Death

[Iron Hammer/Crushing Blow; The 57th Expedition]

"Make for HQ at full speed! We can't grab the horses so watch your gas. Go!" I yelled out commands over the sound of the wind, falling into ranks with the rest of the squad.

They chorused out their understanding, weaving through the trees at improbable speeds.

Annie appeared out of thin air behind us, my eyes barely catching the movement of a cloaked figure between the trees.

She tried to kill Gunther.

She's responsible for all those deaths on this damned expedition.

She killed Sawney and Beane.

It's all her fault.

I'm going to rip your bastard body out of that fucking Titan, even if it's the last thing I ever do.

The traitor disappeared back into the darkness.

And a giant explosion blew through the trees.

She transformed! Fuck!

"Fuck! Move! Move! Move! We don't have any extra time!" I screamed, running on pure adrenaline. I couldn't even feel my shoulder, I knew it was barely holding together, warmth spreading through my Scout jacket. It was hot blood, heating up my slowly cooling skin as it soaked into the fabric.

This is gonna be a bitch to heal.

I've definitely had worse injuries, this was nothing that time couldn't fix. Just another scar to add to the collection.

The trees flew past us, the squad reaching speeds that we'd never been to before and probably wouldn't reach again. We definitely set some records today.

"Damn you! Not again, I'll kill you!" My eyes snapped to Eren in front of me as he turned around to face the Titan, screaming profanities as his hand moved toward his mouth, preparing to bite down.

"No! Don't! We've got this! The Levi Squad can handle her just fine, you need to get back to base!" I pointed my left sword at him, glowering down the length of the blade as I yelled. He hesitated, eyes wide and locked on mine. "Go! Eren, that's an order!"

He didn't move. Why isn't he moving?!

"Trust me. Eren, you need to trust your team! Humanity can't win without risk! This is the risk we signed on for and it's why we are the best! Trust us, Eren, please!"

The kid finally nodded.

And he took off.

My body dispelled some tension knowing he was no longer in harm's way, but I couldn't even comprehend relaxing right now.

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