Chapter 10

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[Wall Rose; Eve of the Counteroffensive]

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[Wall Rose; Eve of the Counteroffensive]

The morning came too quickly again, the sun once again shining directly into my eyes as a wake-up call.

Levi was almost entirely on top of my body, his head resting on my chest and his strong arms wrapped like vines around my stomach. I was completely caged in under him, and I was sweating as if I'd just run a marathon.

I groaned, shoving gently at his shoulders. It's fucking hot in here.

"What are you doing?" His morning voice surprised me, the baritone edge far deeper than it usually was. I hadn't even noticed he was awake.

"I'm hot." I pushed at him again, this time successfully moving him over so he was lying on the bed and not using me as a pillow. 

Levi chuckled, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on his elbow, keen eyes watching me. I stretched immediately, a few of my bones popping. I groaned again, throwing my hands behind my head.

The moment I had settled back into a comfortable position, Levi rolled back on top of me.

"Leviiiii..." He hummed as I grumbled, tucking his face into the crook of my neck. Goosebumps erupted on my skin where his soft breath landed. "I'm going to die of heatstroke if you don't get off of me."

"But you're sooo comfortable." He whined, nuzzling into my shoulder like a cat. I sighed in mock exasperation, rolling my eyes. He smiled against my skin, completely relaxing.

All the air left in my lungs evacuated at once as his weight fell on me, and I let out a breathy laugh.

"Great Wall Maria, are you made of rocks?" I barely wheezed out the words, dramatically gulping for air. Levi let out a barking laugh, propping himself up on his elbows and staring down at me. I smiled up at him.

Levi's laugh was rare, even rarer than his smile, and I was one of the lucky people that frequently got to hear it. It was one of my favorite sounds.

A ghost of a smile sat on his lips, eyes lit up in a way that was reserved only for me.

Then, those eyes flickered down and his smile fell.

"Holy shit Kiya." There was no humor in his voice, just a slight underlying tone of panic. I furrowed my brow, looking down at my chest and back up at him.

"What? What happened?" He said nothing, adjusting himself so he was held up by one arm, using the other to gently pull down the neckline of my hoodie. Levi's eyes went wide. "Levi?"

"You're hurt." He whispered, almost like he didn't believe it. I could only stare up at him, confused beyond belief. He refused to let me move, his hips holding me down as he inspected my collarbone. "Why didn't you tell me how hard I hit you?"

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