Chapter 12

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Depictions of Gore and Death

[Bite; The 57th Expedition]

A heavy ringing surrounded us and I glanced at our squad as they scratched at their ears in pain. My own ached from the percussive shot but I ignored it, focusing back on Levi.

"Remind me; what is our mission?" Levi looked at Eren, his face a mask of indifference as he spoke. "Is it simply to act on impulse in the heat of the moment? Let me answer that question for you. It's not."




The female Titan continued to gain on us but my earlier nervousness had subsided with Levi's acoustic shot, knowing our battle would soon be done.

"This squad's mission is to keep this brat alive, whatever the cost." He grunted, and turned back to the front, hard eyes set on the horizon through the distant trees. "Don't forget it."

"We continue pushing forward on horseback." It was my turn to face the squad, their wide eyes snapping onto me. "Is that clear?"

"As a bell, sir!" The only other female in the group shouted, raising her fist into the air. I smiled at Petra. She returned it, no trace of nerves on her face.

Her trust in her leadership was greater than whatever plan we did or did not have. That's the mentality that had allowed us to survive for so many years.

"But for how long? We can't keep running forever! She's right on top of us as it is. If we don't do something soon-!" Eren's whining was cut off by the rest of the squad who had all recovered and understood that Levi and I had a plan.

"Shut up kid!"

"Eyes front! Stop lookin' behind us!"

"Keep pace with the group! Maintain top speed or we're all dead!"

Eren started yelling at his fellow squad members, trying desperately to convince them to go to battle. He was met with silence.

Eren is a smart kid and he has the potential to do great things aside from his ability, but he's also stupid as hell. He can't comprehend the trust and understanding between Levi Squad.

We're all prepared to lose soldiers every time we step outside the walls.

"NO! Eren stop!" I turned around quickly at Petra's scream, eyes going wide as Eren pulled his thumb up to his mouth and prepared to bite down. "You're only permitted to assume Titan form when your life's in extreme peril! That was the agreement! You swore an oath!"

The kid paused and furrowed his eyebrows, staring down at his hand with a certain strange determination in his eyes.

"Eren." I called and he looked up quickly, his hand falling into his lap as I slowly shook my head. "They're doing their job, we need you to do yours-"

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