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"What's this?"

I reached out on my left arm and traced it to a bag on a steel stand just next to me. 

A drip. 

"Huh? Why am I on a drip? Actually, where am I?"

 I looked around and I'm alone in this sterile-looking room and all I can hear is my own breathing. There are muffled beeps coming from the outside of this room. 

Nothing else. 

I felt my heart drop. "Where am I?"

I looked to my right where rays of light are coming through the spaces in between the blinds. I closed my eyes as it was too bright even with just slivers of light coming through. Ah.. I can hear people talking. Someone's laughing and saying bye. There's a kid throwing a tantrum and a frustrated mom asking the child to calm down.

Yeah that works.

Ok well.. I  need to calm down.

So, there's people here, that means I wasn't abducted and taken somewhere isolated. I opened my eyes again and my sight adjusted to the dim room. There's a tray on my left which I didn't notice earlier. It has a box of tissue on it and a cup. Cool. I'm pretty sure abductors don't leave out tissue boxes and cups within reach of their captive. It could be used as a weapon. Who knows what you can do with that. Well if I was abducted, my abductor have nothing to worry about as I have no idea what to do with those.

Focus! I looked further up my left and there's a monitor with the heart reader thingy. Aha! I looked at my chest and see the wires crawling to this machine! I'm hooked up to it! I'm so relieved! Wait.. I should be worried. 

What happened to me?! Why am I here?! Where am I?! 

My heart starts to race and the machine started beeping. Wait! No.. shush. Calm down. I started to get up to hush the machine that gave me such a relief earlier but now is now my enemy. It's gonna get me caught! By who or what I don't know. I just don't want to be caught while I'm still figuring out what all this is. Hell! What am I doing, I don't even know how to turn the damn thing off. 

As I was halfway getting up and cursing my new mortal enemy the door swished as it slid across to open. A lady in pink scrubs with mini cupcakes and lollies printed on it, appeared.

"I'm hungry" I said out loud.

The lady chuckled. A kind chuckle (if theres such a thing) not a mocking one. I hope she's not a psycho and really just chuckling out of the goodness of her heart.

"You should be. You've been gone in and out for almost a week. I just need to check your vitals and then will get something for you. How are you feeling? I see you're sitting up alright".

It's the adrenaline of wanting to shut down that evil machine I thought in my head as I angrily stare at it.

"Yep you seem to be stable just a bit of increased heart rate and BP there nothing too concerning. I'll call the doctor and tell her you've woken up from coma." She's looking at the machine like it's her friend. I'm having second thoughts with this lady.

"Thanks.." Wait.. Huh? I'm confused. "Coma?"

"Hang in there I'll call the doctor to let them know your conscious and I'll have them bring your lunch too."

"Wait! Coma?!" 

I think I almost screamed and it felt like I've saved up all my energy for this moment and as soon as I said this magic word I felt dizzy and weak. The machine starts beeping again. What is it on about now? The lady went closer to me and held my head and gently propped up the pillow behind me. 

Then everything went dark. 

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