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It's the day before his flight and I booked him and Junho to a hotel so it won't be a long drive to the airport. After I dropped them off at the airport, Yoongi offered to help me take my stuff back in the apartment. It was a short drive but felt like forever as we didn't say anything to each other. We both knew this day was coming but we just chose to ignore it. Well I wanted to talk about it but stuff always gets in the way.

We went up to the lift to my lobby then another lift to go up my unit. This is the first time he'll be in my apartment. He's walked me home several times but I never invited him to come inside.

I entered the code to my unit and let him in rolling my suitcase to my living room.

"Home sweet home." I said with a tinge of sadness. "Want to have something to drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"Sure, I'll have coffee." He sat on my couch and leafed through the book that I have out on the coffee table. He looks right at home.

I made a pot for both of us and handed one to him as I sat next to him. We sipped on our coffee silently as we admired the view from my window. The sun is starting to set and again it's displaying its colours, giving its best as if it's the last. And again I think, in those final moments, is it sad or happy thinking of its impending doom? But I still don't know the answer to what I prefer, know that it's my last or would I want to be oblivious that something so beautiful is ending? I didn't think I'll be relating to the sun in this way before.

"What are you thinking?" His low, calm voice interrupted my musings.

"Nothing, just the sunset is beautiful. Like there's no tomorrow."

"They say every sunset is different. Just because it ended here doesn't mean it's over. On another part of the world the sun is setting and on another it's rising. So there's always a tomorrow."

"Is there?" My eyes start to sting.

"If we let it."

I feel like we're not just talking about sunsets now.

He reached for my hand and kissed it. His kiss went up my wrist and skipped to my shoulders to my neck until he reached my waiting lips, eager to feel his warmth.

A tear trickled down my eyes into our lips. He stopped to look at me.

"I'm not letting you go, just so you know."

And that's enough for me to throw all my anxiety and worry that's been looming over me, since that day we had breakfast together, since he started to become my source of comfort, since he started to show me what being made love to is, since I started falling in love with him.

He lifted me up and carried me to my bed. We undressed each other, studying every line and curve. Kissing all the spots that we will miss because of the coming distance between us. And finally our bodies fused and our hearts beat in symphony.

"I want us.. to keep seeing each.. other" he said in between his breathing as we continued to relish our unity together. "And call and.. text everyday. Tell me.. everything.."


"No matter how.. tired we are. We make time.." I added.


"I'll listen.. only to you.. I'll only look at you."


"I'll..hear you out.."


"And if.. when we fight, we will always.. try and see each..other's point of view.."




"I love you."

"I love you more."

"That's not possible."

"Try me."

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