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I lugged my bags of grocery from the boot of my Mini coop. I love how small this car is but has lots of space in the back. I've been told I loved this car even before but didn't get it because it doesn't look "professional" but now since I don't work in the same company as before, I finally got it. I paid it in full when I got my insurance pay out. Lucky my insurance company considered my condition as a permanent disability so I got the lump sum payment. I had enough to live off it until I got a permanent job and keep the rest in savings. I even had enough to put down a deposit for my apartment. It's not one of those fancy apartments but at least it's right in town and even has a doorman. I headed towards the lift to take to the main lobby, and was greeted by Tony our doorman.

"You need help with that love?"

"I'm all good Tony! Thanks! Have you got anything for me yet?"

"Nope nothing for you here. I'll ring you up if something comes in. When are you supposed to get it?"

"Supposed to be this week but I guess everything's just a bit delayed cause of Covid." I pressed the button to my floor and waved Tony goodbye. "See yah!"

I got on to my unit and entered my code. Home sweet home. I can never get over the view that greets me when I walk through my door. I'm welcomed by big open windows with the view of the snow capped mountains. I have a small balcony that I've set up with a chair and a table. Some plants that thankfully I haven't killed yet. I mostly hang out here or have breakfast in summer but now that it's getting colder I haven't been out much. I got my 2 seater couch facing the right side into my wall tv and a coffee table with a tray on top of it holding my remote and a book I've been reading. I laid out a medium sized rug just enough to anchor my couch and the tv unit. Behind the couch is my foldable leaf table and 2 clear plastic chairs. I hardly use this space so I have that table folded in and the small shelf it leaves out has a small vase with dried twigs on it just for aesthetics. I mostly eat at the coffee table or by the kitchen island where I have my own breakfast nook with my coffee station and a stool.

I put down my shopping bags and started putting them away in the pantry and fridge. As soon as I finished cleaning up the kitchen I hopped into the shower and changed into my pyjamas. This is my life on the weekends. I hardly go out that's why my friends are all trying to set me up to meet guys. I'm just not into it at the moment especially as I'm trying to figure out myself and it's just hard to explain to someone what I've gone through let alone find someone who will understand what it's like. Besides I'm perfectly happy living my domestic life.

Bzzzz.. bzzzz. 

Nina: just sent you the deets. Night! 😴

I checked my email and browsed through their schedule and their requirements. Hmmm. Doesn't sound too crazy. I can work with this.

Ellie: Got it. All good for us to contact this client direct?

Nina: Go for it. Don't forget my commission.🤪

Ellie: LOL! I'll bake you brownies when you come over. 😋

We don't really give commissions for referrals but Nina always send jobs our way that we joke she should get a commission for these. It's become tradition for me to make her some brownies as her "commission".

I've typed up a quick email from my personal email where Nina sent it to my work email so I don't forget when I come in tomorrow. I stopped myself from looking into it further so I don't start working on it. I get carried away sometimes and just work during my days off. Before working for this company I was freelancing teaching English online and that's been my source of income during the pandemic. To be honest it's more like a therapy slash social session for both parties since we have to isolate ourselves from others. I've cut back to twice a week now, and just on nights, since working full time. It's been pretty great and I quite enjoy the company and helps me learn more about their culture.

The sun's just about to set, bursting colours as if there's no tomorrow. Could it be the sky thinks that way, giving it's all, thinking it's their last? Is it sad or happy thinking this is their final display of its magnificence? If that was me, will I want to know if it's my last or would I want to be oblivious that something so beautiful is ending? They say every sunset is different, each one boasting its own brilliance and charm. I can understand why a lot of people has sunset as their favourite part of the day. But for me, I love dusk. It's that time when light and shadows play catch. They tease and trick each other into showing who will last longer not realising one cannot be without the other. In the end, darkness prevails and the night swallows them both.

I shook myself from these thoughts as a cool breeze wafted through my window. It's really starting to get cold now. I stood up from my couch and pulled the window close, hesitating for a bit if I should shut the curtains as well. I looked out and saw the moon, giving its brightest and lighting up the sky. I decided to leave the curtains. Perhaps the moon is talking to the sky comforting it that there is going to be a tomorrow, a chance for it to mesmerize us again from down here on earth. 

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