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**Mature scenes warning**

"Welcome back Mrs Fotu." I greeted Liana who just came back from her honeymoon.

"Awww.. come here gimme a hug!" She gave me a bear hug like she always do. "So how are you?"

"I'm good. How's Milan?" She's been wanting to go there since I've known her.

"Oh you know it's great. I loved it and Sione surprisingly enjoyed it too. He loved the food to be precise!" She's been begging him to have their honeymoon there instead of the islands. They're both from the islands so she argued they can go there anytime they visit their families but when will they ever go to Europe. In the end Sione caved in having both of them needing to work extra hours to afford it.

"It's a win-win then. Your wedding is beautiful by the way if I didn't get to tell you. And most of all you're beautiful and I'm not only saying that. Honest!"

"I know." She winked at me and whispered, "so how was the hunk you were with?"


"Yeah the guy Sione and Chris were fanboying about. That hunk."

I wouldn't exactly call Yoongi a hunk per se. I mean he is an attractive man but nowhere near a muscleman as you would think a hunk would be. "He's not a hunk. He's just a guy." I'm suddenly feeling protective over him, gate-keeping? Yes absolutely. Normally I won't encourage that behaviour but hey I'm only human.

"Uh uh.. I can tell he's packing."

"What?! I think you need to go back to your honeymoon." I won't exactly be admitting to her that I know. I confirmed it just last night and this morning actually. He's still a client of the company and that doesn't look good. I trust Liana, but I don't want to put her in a position where she needs to hide something for me.

"Hey I'm saying this as a friend, for you. Don't miss out on that package. You know what they say, big feet.." raising her eyebrows, "and his hands look very nimble. And don't worry bout me, my hubby's package is chef's kiss with a lick on the side!"

"Oh my gosh! You definitely had some. And how did you even notice his feet and hands?"

"Hey it was my wedding day and the people pleaser in me wanted to make sure everyone is having fun and just so happen I noticed that about him. But one thing I didn't check out though, and this is very important. Length is important but girth is where it's at. You gotta check his thumbnails. The actual nail bed alright. That's half of the girth.. resting."

I covered my face blushing at her words but I can't help but think if that's true. I mean I held it in my hands but I haven't looked at his thumbnails properly. I should check later. Hah! Will there be a repeat tonight. My face heat up again as well as my insides at this thought.

"I don't hear you protesting or declining my advise." She winked at me again and before I can say anything the meeting started.

There was no major announcement but I did get to speak with the head of the travel department and expressed my intention to move up from translation services and tourism to a more managerial position. I've been passed over before because of my medical history as they were concerned of any issues that might arise from it. I can honestly sue them for this but I thought I'd give them a chance and prove them wrong. Honestly I thought the same thing and doubt myself if There's any effect long term aside from my amnesia of course which I'm trying to "cure".

After a quick catch up lunch with Liana and the team i sent him a text to let him know I'll be home soon.

Ellie: Did you have some of the food that Junho brought?

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