Date with Alphys?

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Frisk: Hey Papyrus.

Papyrus: It seems Undyne has something for you. She's the one that's not me.

Frisk: Ok. Hey Undyne. What's up?

Undyne: Um, I have a favor to ask. I, um... I need you to deliver this letter to Dr. Alphys.

Frisk: Why don't you do it?

Undyne: Huh? Why don't I do it myself? Um, well... It's kind of personal. But I'll tell you. Hotland sucks! I don't want to go over there! So, here! And if you read it I'll kill you! Thanks! You're the best!
*Frisk takes Undyne's letter*

Papyrus: Undyne writes a lot of letters! But she can never seem to find the right words. So when she goes to deliver them she always quits so she can come back and rewrite. That's why she asked you. Because you have no standards!

Undyne: Shut up Papyrus! What are you waiting for?! The sooner you get it over with, the better.
*Frisk goes to Alphys's lab and puts the letter under her door*

Alphys: Oh no... Is this another letter? I don't want to open it. Can't I just slide it back out? No... I can't keep doing this... I'll read this one... Um, it's shut kind of strongly. Wait...
*Alphys opens the door*
H- Hey. If this is some kind of joke, it's... Oh my god! Did you write this? It wasn't signed, so I have no idea who could have... That's adorable. I had no idea you wrote that way. It's surprising after all the gross stuff I did... I don't really deserve to be forgiven. Much less, um... This... You know what? Ok! I'll do it! It's the least I can do... Ya! Let's go on a date!
*Date start*
H- How do I look? My friend helped me pick out this dress. She's got a great sense of... Um, anyway... Let's do this. Actually, we still can't start the date yet! Um, I have to give you gifts to raise your affection first. That'll increase the successful outcome to the date. Don't worry! I'm prepared. I've been stockpiling gifts for a date like this. I've got some metal armor polish, waterproof cream for your scales, and this magic spear repair kit... Um... Let's forget the gifts. Let's just start the date. So, um... Do you like... Anime?

Frisk: Ya.

Alphys: Me too! I have an idea! L- Let's go somewhere! To the garbage dump!
*Frisk and Alphys go to the dump*
This is where Undyne and I come all the time... We find all sorts of great stuff here. She's really, uh... Oh no! That's her! I can't let her see me on a date with you!

Frisk: Why?

Alphys: Why? Because, um, well...She's coming!
*Alphys hides. Undyne comes over*

Undyne: There you are! I realize that if you deliver that thing, it may be a bad idea. So I'll do it. Give it to me!

Frisk: I don't have it anymore. Sorry.

Undyne: Huh!? You don't have it?! Ngahhh! Have you at least seen her?!

Frisk: Yes.

Undyne: So she's somewhere around here? Thanks, punk!
*Undyne leaves and Alphys comes out of hiding*

Alphys: Oh my god... Well, I guess it's obvious, huh? I... I Really like her. I mean, more than I like other people. I just thought... It would be fun to go on, like, a cute pretend date to make you feel better. It sounds even worse when I put it like that. I messed up again. Undyne's the person I really want to go on a date with. But she's... Way out of my league. She's so confident, strong, and funny. And I'm just a nobody. A fraud. I'm the royal scientist, but all I ever did was hurt people. I told her so many lies. She... She thinks I'm a lot cooler than I am... If she gets close to me, she'll find out the truth... What should I do?

Frisk: Tell her the truth.

Alphys: The truth?! But if I tell her that, she'll hate me. Isn't it better this way? To live a lie where both people are happy. They say, "be yourself." But I don't really like who I am. I'd rather just be whatever makes people happy.

Frisk: No. it's not better. You are who you are Alphys. She'll forgive you. I promise.

Alphys: You're right. Everyday I'm scared... Scared of what will happen if people will find out the truth on their own. They'll get hurt because of me. But how can I tell UNDYNE? I don't have the confidence! I'm going to mess it up!

Frisk: Let's roleplay it. I'll be Undyne and you be yourself.

Alphys: Roleplay? That actually sounds kind of fun. Um, anyway, let's start. Um, hi, Undyne. How are you today?

Frisk: Hi, Alphys. I'm fine. Glad to hear it. So, um, I want to talk to you about something.

Frisk: Sure. What is it, Alphys?

Alphys: I, um... You see... I... I Haven't exactly been truthful with you see, I... UNDYNE! I want to tell you how I feel! Y- You're so brave, and strong, and nice! You always listen to me when I talk all nerdy... You always do your best to make me feel special. Like, telling me you'll beat up anyone that gets in my way... I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY LONGER! UNDYNE! I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! HOLD ME UNDYNE! HOLD ME!
*Undyne appears*

Undyne: What did you just say?

Alphys: Undyne! I was, just...

Undyne: Woah, wait a second! Your outfit is really cute! What's the occasion? Wait... Are you two... On a date?

Alphys: Um, yes. I mean, NO! I mean, we were, but... I mean, we were only romantically roleplaying as you.

Undyne: WHAT?!

Alphys: I MEAN... Undyne, I... I've been lying to you.

Undyne: About what?

Alphys: About... Everything! I told you sweated was scientifically important. Really, I just used it to make ice cream. And those human history books I have are just dorky comic books. And those history movies... Those are just... Anime. And that time I told you I was busy with work on the phone. I was just eating frozen yogurt in my pajamas. I... I just wanted to impress you. I wanted you to think I was smart and cool. And I wasn't some nerdy loser. I really think you're neat.

Undyne: Alphys. I... I think you're too, I guess. But, you gotta realize... Most of what you said doesn't really matter to me. I don't care if you're watching cartoons or reading history books. To me, all that stuff is nerdy crap. What I like about you is that you're PASSIONATE! ANALYTICAL! It doesn't matter what it is! You care about it! So, you don't have to lie to me! I don't want you to have to lie to anyone! Alphys... I want to help you be happy with who you are! And I know just the training you need to do it!

Alphys: Undyne... Y- You're going to train with me?

Undyne: What? ME? Nah. I'm gonna get Papyrus to do it.
*Papyrus appears*


Undyne: Ready? I'm about to start the timer!

Alphys: Undyne... I'll do my best.
*Alphys and Papyrus leave*


Frisk: Yes. Anime is real.

Undyne: I KNEW IT! GIANT SWORDS AND MAGIC PRINCESSES HERE I COME! Um... Thanks for taking care of Alphys. I didn't say what I wanted to, but things seem like they're going better for her. Well, I gotta go catch up to them. Later, punk!
*Undyne leaves. "Date" ends. Frisk leaves the dump. Papyrus calls*

Papyrus: HELLO! IF IT ISN'T MY GOOD FRIEND WHO TRUSTS ME! THIS IS PAPYRUS! YOU'RE MUTUAL FRIEND! Alphys and I finished our training early. So I sent her home. I feel strongly that you should also go there. To her lab... House. I have only good feelings about this! Goodbye.
*Call ends. Frisk goes to Alphys's lab. They walk in to see a note near the so-called "Bathroom door". They read it out loud to themselves*

Frisk: Hey. Thanks for your help back there. You guys. Your support really means a lot to me. But as difficult as it is to say this, you guys alone can't magically make my problems go away. I want to be a better person. I don't want to be afraid anymore. And for that to happen, I need to face my mistakes. I'm going to start doing that now. I want to be clear. This isn't anyone else's problem but mine. But if you don't hear from me again, and want to know the truth... Enter the door to the North of this note. You all at least deserve to know what I did.
*Frisk looks at the door and goes through*

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