The truth about Alphys

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*Frisk enters the door and is inside an elevator. They go down it and exit the elevator to see a dark room leading to another. In this room there's other rooms and a big door that has a red, blue, yellow, and green mark on it. Frisk goes to the left side and sees a red key in the sink. They take it and go into another room to see a red keyhole and put the key in. They move on to a room with nine beds. Frisk searches three of the beds for a key and finds a blue key. They take it and move on to a room with a shower with the curtains closed. Frisk opens the curtains to find a green key. They take it and move on to a foggy room. Frisk eventually finds a green key hole and puts the green key in it. They move on to another room with a blue keyhole and put the blue key in it. They move on to the next room to find a yellow key, take it, and move on to the next room. They find a yellow key and put it in. They go back to the room with the big door with the colors on the door lit up. They go through the door and an elevator. They see a button that they press. Four monsters approach them.

Alphys: Stop!
*Alphys appears*
I got you guys some food, Ok?!
*The monsters leave*
Sorry about that. They get a little sassy when they don't get their food on time. The power went off and I was trying to turn it back on. Seems you were one step ahead of me. This was probably a big inconvenience for you... But I appreciate you coming here to back me up. I was afraid I might not come back. It's not because of these guys or anything! I was just worried I'd be too afraid to tell the truth... That I might run away or do something cowardly. I, um, suppose I owe you an explanation...

Frisk: Ya. I'd like one.

Alphys: As you probably know, Asgore asked me to study the nature of souls.

Frisk: He did? What happened?

Alphys: During my research, I isolated a power. I called it determination. I injected it into dying monsters so their souls would last after death. But... It failed. Unlike humans, monsters don't have enough physical matter to take those contractions of determination. Their bodies started melting and lost what physicality they had. Pretty soon, all the test subjects melted into those. Seeing them like this... I knew I couldn't tell their families or anyone else about it. No matter how much everyone was asking me. I was too afraid to do any more work knowing everything I've done so far had been such a failure...

Frisk: Oh Alphys... I'm so sorry.

Alphys: But now... I've changed my mind about all this. I'm going to tell everyone what happened... It's going to be hard to be honest and believe in myself... And I know there will be times I struggle and screw up again. But knowing, deep down, I have friends to fall back on I know it'll be a lot easier to stand on my own. Thank you.
*Monsters appear*
Come on guys. It's time for everyone to go home.
*Monsters and Alphys leave. Frisk moves on to the elevator and gets a call*

Asriel: Chara... Are you there? It's been a long time, hasn't it? But you have done well. Thanks to you, everything has fallen into place. See you soon Chara...
*The elevator closes and goes right to the entrance of what appears to be Asgors place. The elevator is locked on the outside, so Frisk moves on to the castle*

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