Chapter 13 - Natsu vs. Erza

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 Wow, Wattpad made some changes XD Everything looks a lot cleaner now.

 I did skip an anime exclusive episode because it was unimportant and I want to get to some Natsu bonding time *eyebrow wiggle* (not the kind you're thinking of I don't do that kind of stuff sorry)

 This chapter is going to be pretty short but I promise I'll write a really long chapter next week :D

 My birthday is Monday, I'm so excited! It's been a whole year since my last birthday! ;)

You fell onto your futon, exhausted after traveling back from Clover. Since the train station had been shut down due to a certain dark guild, the trains weren't going to be able to take you back to Magnolia for a few days. So, the only thing you and your guildmates could do was walk through Clover Canyon and all the way back home.

Your legs felt like jello and so did the rest of your body. You were ready to fall asleep then and there but realized that might be rude, since this wasn't technically your house. You sat up and turned your head to the left, seeing Natsu standing on his bed.

"Hey, thanks for letting me stay here." You expressed your gratitude to the dragon slayer. "I'll move out as soon as I find a place, I promise."

"No need for thanks, you'd do it for me. It's what friends do." The pinkette replied, punching the air with his fists. "Man, I'm so ready to kick Erza's butt tomorrow!"

"That's doubtful." You heard Happy murmur from the foot of your futon, shaking his head.

Natsu shouted at his companion. "What do you mean! I totally got this fight in the bag!"

The exceed just sighed.

"I think you can do it, Natsu." You encouraged the fire mage, knowing there was no way he could beat the S-Class ranked wizard tomorrow. "You've got a good chance at beating her." Lies.

"You really think so?" He asked with a smiled. "Everyone else just says I'll lose like the last time me and her fought."

You shook your head. "I think you have a fighting chance. Now let's get to sleep, you don't want to be too tired to have your match with Erza in the morning."

"Right." The dragon slayer flopped down into his bed. Punching his fist into the air, he said, "You're going down, Erza."

You laid down in your makeshift bed, turning away from Natsu. You closed your eyes. I wonder how long I'll be able to stay in this world. You sighed, smiling. Hopefully for a very long time... With those thoughts you drifted into sleep, dreaming of going on endless adventures with a certain dragon slayer.


You woke up early the next morning. Even though you had wanted to sleep in a little bit more you knew that if you fell back into dreamland you wouldn't be able to get out of it for a while. You sat up in your futon and yawned. Getting up you realized that you had slept in your clothes the previous night. You sighed, grabbing fresh new clothes from your bag and heading into the bathroom. You changed and brushed out you knotted (h/c) hair heading into the main room to make breakfast. The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon but you were almost positive Natsu would be up soon, excited to finally 'beat' Erza. Using what little cooking supplies you could find, you managed to make some pancakes, eggs, a few fish for Happy, and bacon. Finishing up, you set the table and began to clean the items you had used.

While cleaning, noises began to come from the other room acknowledging you that someone was up. You smiled, finishing up the dishes and distributing even amount of breakfast to the three plates on the table (although if there was extra of something, you placed it on Natsu's plate. You knew how big of an eater he was).

Fictional Love; Natsu X ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu