Chapter 4 - The Army of Fur and Disease

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        I'm back from the dead *wooooo*

       Oh my Mavis.
        An enormous marble mansion towered over you. Its chiseled pillars reached up towards the sky and the dark, wooden doors loomed above you.
        "Wow..." You said, dumbfounded.
        Natsu walked up to the mansion, his hands on his hips. "Nice place this Frosty guys got here, huh?"
        Happy flew up to him. "Aye."
        You looked over at your two teammates. "That's all you have to say? This is a crazy big mansion, and his name is Froth." You snapped.
        The dragon slayer shrugged. "I guess."
        You looked down. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you..."
        "Ah, it's alright. We're all friends here, right Happy?" Natsu looked over to his blue exceed.
        You smiled. "Yea, friends..."

        "We've been here for three hours and I haven't seen a single rat." You complained, peaking under a dresser in the master bedroom. "This is unbelievable."
        "Rats only come out at night, (y/n)." Happy chimed.
        You sighed. "What makes you so sure?"
        "Well, I'm a cat."
        You chuckled. "That's very true, Happy."
        "Gah! These stupid rats need to come out and fight me!" The dragon slayer stomped around, fire coming from his fists.
        You smiled to yourself. Why do you have to be so adorable, Natsu baby? you looked out the window, the sky was a dark blue and the sun had just recently fallen below the horizon. "Maybe, we should hit the hay. It's getting late, and if any rats wake us up we would have a little sleep, right?"
        Natsu immediately stopped in his tracks. "Sure, I am pretty tired." He then slumped down into the large king bed.
        "That's Mr. Froth's bed! You can't sleep there!" You warned.
        Natsu looked over at you, his pink hair scruffier than normal. "Then where do you think we should sleep?" He asked innocently.
        "Aye. I like this bed." Happy cooed from his hammock he made above the bed.
        You sighed. "Fine, you guys win." You opened your (e/c) suit case and sifted through it to find your "pajamas (a baggy dress)". You quickly changed into them and hopped into the bed. The covers were thick and had a pink flower print on them. You and Natsu were on opposite sides of the bed, not facing each other. As the sky darkened it got much colder in the room, and even though you shared a bed with freaking FIRE MAGE you were still shivering under your covers.
        "It's pretty cold, huh?" You joked, teeth chattering.
        Natsu replied uncomfortably. "Yea, even though it's summer, it's still pretty cold."
        You chuckled, your fingers going numb. "Heh, I can't feel my fingers." You made a joke out of your unpleasant situation.
        Something touched your ankle, it was warm and felt nice against your frozen skin.
        "Man, you are cold." The fire mage chuckled.
        You looked over your shoulder to see that your friend had moved a little closer to you, but not awkward close, the bed was pretty big after all.
        "Is that your foot?" You asked, a silly grin plastered on your face.
        "Maybe." Natsu replied jokingly.
        You giggled, turning onto your other side to face the dragon slayer. He did the same, almost jabbing his foot into your shin.
        "I've been wondering," the mage started. "Where'd you come from? You never told anyone at the guild."
        You stared blankly at the wall behind Natsu, trying to think of something to say. "Uh... I'm from a really, really, far away place. It's not in Fiore, and it doesn't have magic, it's similar to Edolas..." You trailed off.
        Your guild mate looked at you, confused. "What's Edolas?"
        Crap. "Uh, nothing. I was just, uh, talking gibberish. It's nothing, nowhere, not real." You lied.
        "Okay..? But how could a place not have magic? I mean, you have magic here, so how could you not have it where ever you had come from?" The curious mage questioned.
        "Well, it's confusing. I don't really know myself." That was true though. You really did have no idea how you were actually here or how you had magic. "I guess I'm just lucky."
        A loud thud sounded outside the door. You jerked up into a sitting position. "What was that?"
        Natsu jumped out of bed. "The rats! Let's go!" He stood, prepared to dart out the door.
        You slid out of bed ignoring the cold, and put on your shoes. "Alright, let's go. You ready Happy?" You looked up above the bed and saw the exceed flying down to meet you.
        "Aye!" He meowed.
        "Alright, let's go!" The dragon slayer flung open the door and stomped out of the room.
        "Wait for me!" You called after your teammate and followed him out the door. Barely a second later you crashed into something. You fell to the floor. "Ow..." You groaned, rubbing your back. You looked up to see Natsu, standing wide eyed at something behind you. You turned around to see an army of gray fur standing in the hallway, they were carrying many items ranging from vases to tables.
        "Uh, Natsu?" You gulped. "What do we do?"
        Happy landed down beside you. "That's a lot of rats." He exclaimed.
        "No duh." You snapped.
        All the rats then squeaked at once, making it seem like one giant roar, and they all flowed towards you.
        The three of you all made strange noises as the furry balls of disease flowed pasted you. You covered your face and waited for them to pass, but you felt fur under your legs and you felt as though you were moving. You opened your (e/c) eyes to see a hoard of rats carrying you on their backs.
        "Natsu! Happy!" You called for help. The dragon slayer and his exceed were already chasing after you.
        Natsu was almost engulfed in flames. "Get back here so I can roast you alive!" He roared.
You smiled at him. Reckless as always. You thought. Wait! I have magic, I can do something!
You focused on your magic, using it to make a ball of (y/m) in both your hands. You started to throw small orbs of (y/m) at the rats, but nothing seemed to work. You sighed, attempting to get up. Maybe the rats will drop me if I stand up. You stood on your feet, feeling quite unbalanced as you tried to jump across the flood of rats. You managed to get to the outskirts of the army and you leaped off the hoard of furry soldiers. You were gasping for breath as Natsu and Happy dashed up to you.
        "(Y/n)!" The dragon slayer skidded to a halt in front of you. "Are you okay?" He asked, genuine concern is his voice.
        "Yea..." You breathed in more air. "I'm fine. Let's go and get rid of those stupid rats, they ruined my only good pair of pajamas." You stated as you looked down at your torn sleeping wear.
        "Aye!" Happy cheered as you three chased after the army of rats.

        dem rats dwo

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