Chapter 3 - Your First Job

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        This is Chapter 3 of my Natsu X Reader that took longer than expected to complete (oh, procrastination...).

        Enjoy :D

        "I can't wait to finish this job and see Igneel!" Natsu was jumping up and down with excitement.
        You grinned, knowing he wouldn't be seeing a dragon anytime soon but still so happy to see him so excited.
        Happy flew over to his friend. "Yea, I've never met a dragon before. I hope he's not too scary."
        "Oh, Igneel isn't scary unless you make him mad." The dragon slayer replied.
        You, Natsu, and Happy were all waiting for the train to get to the small town where your job was located, and you couldn't believe it. /I'm going on a job. A job with Natsu. Oh my Mavis./ you were almost jumping up down with your new friend, but you hid your excitement.
        Natsu looked over at you. "Oh, sorry (y/n). I bet your confused." The pink haired mage held out his fist in front of you, a flame emerging from it. "I learned my fire dragon slayer magic from Igneel The Fire Dragon."
        "Wow..." You said, awestruck, not because of the whole learning magic from a dragon, but because Natsu's hand wasn't burning because of the flames. You knew he was resistant to fire, but still. Where you came from, you couldn't just set yourself on fire and not get serious injuries.
        The Fairy Tail mage smile his silly grin that made your heart skip a beat every time you saw it. "Pretty cool, huh?"
        You nodded, your (e/c) hair bouncing slightly.
        The train pulled up to the station and the doors slid open. Over the PA system, a kind female voice stated where the train was headed. You stepped into the train, admiring everything as you made your way down the aisle.
        Natsu walked slowly behind you, seeming to get more upset every second that he was in the train's car. "I hate trains..." He muttered.
        Happy was flying slightly above Natsu's head, not wanting to touched the annoyed dragon slayer.
        You picked a seat and sat down next to the window. Natsu sat on the opposite side, and Happy plopped down next to him.
        "This is so exciting." You exclaimed. "I've never ridden on a train before."
        "Really?" Natsu questioned, his arms crossed.
        "Yea..." You placed your hands on your (e/c) skirt. "I don't travel a lot..."
        The train started moving and immediately the dragon slayer was sick. "Ughh..." He groaned, and leaned his head against the window, looking pale.
        You felt bad for him, and wanted to help, but you weren't sure how you could help. You looked down at your feet, shifting them nervously.
        "It's okay, (y/n). Natsu always gets sick when he's in a moving vehicle. There's nothing you can do." Happy reassured you.
        You smiled. "Oh, okay. Thanks Happy."
        "Aye." He replied.
        The three of you sat in silence for the remainder of the train ride.

        Once you all arrived in the little town near Akane you had to drag Natsu off the train by his scarf.
"Come... On... Natsu..." You heaved, attempting to get the dragon slayer off the train.
        The only reply you got from Natsu was a moan.
        You sighed, frustrated. Seeing Happy just lounging around outside the train, you motioned for him to come over to you. "Come over here and help me get Natsu off the train!"
        Happy shrugged, and flew over to you. "This is such a surprise." The blue exceed said. He flew down and picked up Natsu by the scarf, carrying him off the train. "Now, was that really all that hard?"
        You hesitated. "No..." You said, puffing out your cheeks.

        Natsu was feeling better and asking for food. "Come on. There's a restaurant right by here." The dragon slayer complained.
        "No," you stated. "If we stop, we'll be late. We can get something to eat after our job." Your stomach growled in disagreement. /I can't mess up my first job!/
        "Fine." The dragon slayer huffed.
Happy walked beside us, not contributing to the conversation.

        We finally made it to the client's house. It was a small house with a brick exterior and a white tiled roof. You knocked on the mahogany door.
        "Who is it?" A voice answered.
        You looked back at Natsu, an expectant look in your eyes. He just shrugged, gesturing towards the door. You sighed and looked back at the house. "We're the wizards who accepted your job request from the Fairy Tail guild."
        "Oh, yes. Come in, come in." The voice answered and the door opened.
        Inside there was a square table set in front of a lit fireplace with two chairs on the left and right side. A bowl of fruit sat in the middle of the table. A middle aged woman greeted you by the door. "Hello, hello. Please? Have a seat." She gestured to the table.
        You bowed your head slightly and made your way over to the table, making sure your two companions were following. You pulled out your chair and sat down, flattening down your (e/c) skirt.         Natsu sat down in the chair next to you and Happy settled himself on the table.
        The woman seated herself across from you. "I'm the maid of Mr. Froth. He's out on business and I want his house to be clean before he comes home. I have cleaned the entire house, and it's lovelier than it was when he left."
        You nodded. "Okay, but I don't see how there's a problem, ma'am?"
        She looked down at the table. "There's been a horrible rat infestation and I can't get it under control. Maybe you could help," she asked politely.
        Happy stood up before I could reply. "Aye! Since I'm a cat, I'm great at catching rats."
        Natsu sat up straighter. "Yea! We can get rid of your rats. It'll be fun."
        You nodded. "Of course we can help. We just need to know where your master's house is."
        The maid stood up, walking over to a desk at the other side of the room. She took out a scrap of paper from inside the desk drawer and walked back over. "Here's a map to my master's mansion. Please, take your time and get every last one of those infernal rats out of Mr. Froth's house."
        The dragon slayer next to you bolted out of his chair. "Yea! Let's go Happy and (y/n)! We'll get rid of those rats and then go and see Igneel!"
        "Aye!" Happy chanted, standing up.
        "Yea, let's go!" You agreed.
        You grabbed the map and followed Natsu and Happy out of the small house.

        wow. such job. very rats. wow.
        Haha, your first job is having to get rid of rats. You're doing an exterminators job X'D (lol so am I)

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