02 - *tutor 💌

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I sigh as the bell rings loudly in my ears. As I lean down to gather my belongings, I hear a chirpy voice. "Hey Lou! Ready to go?" Niall grins at me.

"Yeah." I mutter as I stand from my chair and swing my bag over my shoulder. "How are you always so fucking happy Ni?"

The blonde shrugs. "I don't know man. Just a part of me. Anyway, you doing anything after school today?"

"It's Thursday mate. I've got to tutor curls." I sigh as I think of the next few ours after school.

"Oh right, I forgot. Have fun." Niall says and pats my back roughly before walking past me towards the exit doors. "Think of the money Louis!" He calls out before he opens the door to leave.

"Hey tiny one." I hear a deep playful voice approach me from behind.

"Hey Harry." I say nonchalantly before he walks into frame. Once he does, I'm surprised; he's not wearing his usual band tee shirt with sunglasses, but instead he is wearing a button up and his hair looks a lot more presentable today. "And when will you understand that I am five foot nine. I'm the average height for a man you're just somewhat tall. And besides, there's barely three inches between us." I say as I continue to pack my school bag.

Harry laughs. "I think we both know there's at least five inches between our heights. Besides the point, are you ready to tutor me?" He grins.

"So ready." I return the grin sarcastically and sling my back pack over my shoulder. "Shall we go then?" I ask and he gestures for me to take the lead.

I step out of the school building and Harry follows shortly after me. We make it to my car and he is quick to jump in the passenger seat and connect his phone to the radio before I can protest.

Harry makes an evil sounding cackle at that fact.

"Bloody bastard." I curse him. "At least play something I like?" I plead.

He ignores my request and lipgloss begins to play through the speakers.

"My lipgloss is cool, my lip gloss is poppin." Harry sings along with the speakers. "All the boys keep stopping." Harry sends a wink my way after that line.

I roll my eyes and try to hide my smile as he sings along to Nicki Minaj after finishing lipgloss.

- - - - -

We're sat on Harry's sofa in the living room with our chemistry books on the coffee table in front of us.

Eventually, Harry gets tired (why am I surprised) and claims we should take a break. Me not being able to say no, I agree with him.

"Wanna play a game?" He asks, earning a quiet 'sure' from me.

"It's called naked truths. We ask the other a question and they have to answer with the completely honest truth—even if you think the other doesn't want to hear it." Harry says, some enthusiasm lacing his voice.

I slowly nod. "Sure, but i'm not admitting anything too crazy."

"Fine. You go first." He says and I think of a question.

"How would you describe your first kiss?" I ask.

He thinks for just a few seconds before speaking again. "It was with Ed, in grade seven. We were in my bedroom and he hinted at kissing me so I just did it. Then we realized we were better as friends and we didn't want to be anything more than that. I would say it was embarrassing and sloppy."

My mouth slightly falls ajar. "Ed? That I eat lunch with?" I ask, disbelievingly.

"Yeah. We're not really friends anymore. And I don't
think he's came out so don't say anything."

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