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As I sat by the lake, thinking about my brother and I's argument, I felt I wanted to drown myself. There was no turning back to change things. I'm just 13. As I went through my thoughts, a boy sat next to me. He had almost black hair, blue eyes like the waters, he was a pretty boy.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"I.. I just got into an argument with my brother. I assure you I'm okay." I said, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"May I ask, what's your name? I would like to get to know you a bit more."

"I'm Katsura Sonia. And, you are?" He stared at me for a moment before responding. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Giyuu Tomioka." His smile was beautiful.

"That's a lovely name. You know, maybe you can come over? I live with my aunt, she won't mind!"

"A.. are you sure? Wouldn't that be a bit rude that she won't know?" His smile turned into a frown. "I promise! She loves meeting new people since you're my friend!"

"A.. friend? What's a friend?" He asked. He doesn't know what a friend is? That's weird. "A friend is kind of like a friendship. For example, a relationship is either with your family or your partner which will come in the future. It's kind of like that but friends do everything together! Even when they meet, they can still do a lot of things together."

He paused for a few minutes before speaking. "I see. I have these 'friends'. Can they also come along?"

"Of course! I would love to meet them." He then showed me a smile. "Okay! Wait right here, I'll get them."

As he stood up, he was gone in an instant. He's strange but he has a good heart. A few minutes later, Tomioka came back with a boy with pink hair and lavender eyes and a girl with black hair and cyan eyes. "This is Sabito and Makomo. Guys, this is Sonia, she invited us to go by her residence."

"It's nice to meet you. And, are you sure? What about your aunt? Wouldn't she find out?" Sabito asked.

"She won't! Actually, she loves meeting new people." I said smiling. Makomo showed a soft smile as I led them all home. When we reached my residence, my aunt was sitting on the porch, with some water.

"Ahh Katsura, who did you bring here?" My aunt asked. Her smile was like the world to me.

"I brought some friends! This is Tomioka, Sabito and Makomo." I introduced.

"You all look so cute, now come inside. Dinner is prepared." We all walked inside, putting our shoes to the side. There was Udon prepared with some fried chicken on the side, my favorite.

As we all ate and talked for a bit, Sabito and Makomo had to leave. It was just Tomioka and I. "If you would like, we can take a walk by the lake again!" I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea." We sat up and started to make our way by the lake. It was peaceful as we got to know a bit more about each other. "You know, I've been training with this Former Demon Slayer on Mountain Sagiri. If you ever want to become a Demon Slayer. Look for a man named Sakonji Urokodaki, okay?"

"A Demon Slayer... My parents were Demon Slayers. A few weeks ago, they were devoured. I got into an argument with my brother for me to stay there for a while but things got a bit out of hand."

"I'm very sorry about your loss. If there's anything you would like me to do, let me know." He said with a smile. I wish I could've seen you again.

"I wish I've more time to talk, but take my advice and come visit!" Then, he vanished, again.

I'm 16 now. My aunt and uncle are dead. My residence was lit into flames. I guess I'll take some time and use that boy's advice. I went up Mountain Sagiri to find a residence. Maybe that's where Sir Urdokodaki is? I knocked on the door to see an old man with a mask.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"I'm Katsura Sonia. Someone by the name of Giyuu Tomioka has told me to pay a visit to you if I would like to become a Demon Slayer. Are you, Sakonji Urokodaki?" I asked.

"Yes I am. Now, come inside and tell me a bit of yourself." He let me in as I sat down not far from him.

"My parents were Demon Slayers. When my mother was pregnant with me, she was turned into a demon but never devoured anyone in that time being. I was given a power when I could pause an object or person with a time limit. Six years ago, they were devoured. I got into an argument with my brother so we're not on good terms at the moment. I lived with my aunt and uncle for then but that's when things went downhill. I met Tomioka and his friends before all this chaos happened. Three months later, my uncle passed away, my aunt got mentally ill and began to abuse me somehow. A couple days ago, my aunt died so I decided to go back to my old residence but only to see it in flames. I had all my things so I wanted to pay you a visit and become a Demon Slayer." I explained.

"I'm truly sorry for your losses. Well, I'll be happy to train someone again. Now, let me show you where you'll be staying." He showed me a small but yet okay size room. I thanked him before getting settled.

I hope I get to see Tomioka again. Our talks were really nice. I wonder where Sabito and Makomo are too. That was until I heard chatting. I peeked my head out to see.. Tomioka?! He turned around to see me. "Sonia! I knew you would visit." He said, pulling me into a hug. Sabito and Makomo also saw us and joined the hug.

"We're glad you came by." Makomo said. I smiled. "Now, you three are going to help Sonia train. Don't worry, I'll also help you." I nodded my head in response until nightfall came.

"Sonia, do you want to train a bit now?" Tomioka suggested.

"Didn't you three just train? You guys must be tired."

"We were told to come back before nightfall." Sabito said from behind.

"I'll help you! Here's a wooden sword and follow me." Tomioka said before we both headed out. There were wisteria trees everywhere but no effect happened on me. "Final Selection is in 8 weeks but I think you'll be able to go with us."

"Final Selection? What's that?" I asked, confused.

"Final Selection is a 7 day survival battle. Most people don't survive. If you survive the whole week, you're officially a Demon Slayer." He explained. I was shocked.

"Hey, are you okay? It looks like you're sweating." He had a napkin in his hand, wiping my face as a tint of blush crossed my face. "Y-yeah I'm fine. But, if we're going to Final Selection, I'm going with you guys."

"If only you're able to cut the big boulder!" He said. That has to be a tease. "A boulder? That has to be a joke."

"I cut through mines. Maybe I'll show you another day."

We practiced for a bit till a few minutes, I got the hang of it. After that day, I trained night and day in those 6 weeks. I made sure I got the information through my flesh! Sabito, Makomo and Tomioka also helped me through my training which I was glad for. 

Word Count: 1301

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