17. False Hope

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Briar looked up and just forced the smallest of smiles. "Daddy...I don't know what to do...I'm scared..."

Mingi didn't move or say much, but he slowly wrapped his arm around his daughter's shoulders, pulling her in slowly and gently. "What to do about what, Songbird?" He asked very gently.

"Uncle Hwa said the only way to destroy your eodum sides is to destroy your animatronic bodies. I can't do that-...I finally got you back, I can't lose you again...please..." She leaned closer to her father, just staring blankly at the stage.

There have been millions of Atiny all over the world that came here to watch Ateez perform. If she destroyed them, people would be so sad...these eight amazing people, the people she called her father, her uncles.

"Songbird...I can't tell you what to do...it's your own choice. If you think destroying us is better, then destroy us. The only one who doesn't have an eodum part of them is Logan. So...if you did destroy us, then you'd be able to rebuild us if you wish to."

"If I did rebuild you...would your eodum sides die? Or would they go with you?"

"I don't know, Bri. None of us know. They might be the only part to die, we might be the only part to die. Or both. None of us will truly know, baby."

Briar let out a small little noise, hiding her face in Mingi's chest and staying there for a few moments. "I don't want to risk that, Papa...I can't risk your soul for this...you're too kind-hearted."

"Briar. You realize that if you kill us, though, you'll free everyone. We won't kill anymore, we won't hurt anyone else."

"I know, papa, that's why I feel even worse. What do I do?"

"You do what you think is the best Songbird. If you destroy us, then you destroy us. If you don't then you don't. Maybe there could be a way for you to come to visit us. But I truly can not tell you, Briar."

Briar slowly nodded her head, pressing her lips together and thinking for a few moments as she wrapped her arms around herself, snuggling closer to Mingi and trying her best to relax as she just stared blankly at the stage.

"Papa...? What was it like? Performing for thousands of people and being an idol?"

"It was...something. I don't know if I can't even describe it to you, Songbird..." He glanced down at Briar and shifted a bit. "Darling, please. Tell me what you feel." He held his hand out to her.

Briar looked up when she heard her father talk, and she paused for a split second before slowly talking his hand in hers. "I feel...skin...and warmth..." She whispered after a few moments, holding her father's hand and looking up at him. "I don't understand, papa..."

He gently tugged his sleeve up. "What do you feel here?"

Briar moved her hand to his arm, and she took a small little breath. "I feel the same skin...but it's cold."

"Exactly. It's technology. It makes our hands warm. But everything else has mini fans. It keeps all the wiring and servos cold, that way we can function well without any possible chance of lag, or glitches while we're performing. We're not alive, Briar. Not really. We're just souls inside a bunch of parts."

"Papa...don't say that...I don't understand...what do I do...I need your help..."

"You've got to do what you think is best, Songbird. If you destroy us, go ahead. I will support you no matter what. If anything, you could rebuild us. And do your best to build us from your memory."

"Do you think I could do it...?"

"As long as you think you can, yes. You can do anything, Songbird." Mingi smiles at Briar and nodded his head ever so softly, shifting a little bit. He slowly stood up and pressed a fatherly kiss to her forehead. "I will always be here. Watching over you, no matter what you choose, okay?"

"Okay, papa...I'm just scared...I don't know what to do...and if I do the wrong thing..."

Mingi gently shushed her, petting her hair. "You're scared, Songbird...it's okay to be scared...it's part of life." He reminds her softly. "Would you like some advice?" He asked softly

Briar nodded her head quickly, looking up at the same eyes she had. "Yes please, any advice would be amazing."

"Find Hongjoong. He's the start of everything. Everything that has happened here."

"That's not true..." Briar whispered after a few moments. "Cause the eodum, versions of you...you're the leader, papa..." She muttered.

"I am, yes. But I'm not talking about our eodum sides, Songbird. I mean in general. He's the one that started everything. It'll be okay. You need to find and talk to Hongjoong, alright?" He waited until his daughter slowly nodded her head.

"I will, Papa...I'll find him..."

"Good, thank you, Briar..." Mingi smiles and slowly lets go of his daughter with a sad look on his face. "I must go now before the others look for me and find me with you. But you be safe. If you need anything, call for me or your dad...we'll do our best to find and protect you." He promised, before waving to her softly and walking away, not saying anything else.

Briar took a small, deep breath, pressing her lips together and tilting her head back on the seat. A small sound, similar to gears grinding, could be heard, but she didn't move, nor care. If something came to kill her, so be it. She deserved to die. Everyone here was after her, and there was no way for her to save them, as she thought she could have done.

The gear sound came closer, and Briar paused for a few moments. "I can hear you, I don't care." She called out softly.

"That's okay, I'm not here to kill you, yet."

Briar slowly looked up, blinking a few times and glancing at the person she was met with.

"Briar. We need to talk." And with that, he lunged at her. 

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