20. Violent Confessions

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Briar looked confused, not saying anything for a few moments as she looked from Yunho to San, who had both stood up.

"I'm going to go find him," San muttered softly, looking concerned for his husband as he started to the doors of the building, Yunho and Briar both on his heels.

"Not alone your not. Whatever is hurting him could hurt you too!" Yunho hissed, and neither of them noticed the human girl or didn't care.

After a few moments, Yunho turned to look at Briar. "Just stay behind us. At least we'll be able to protect you if anything goes wrong."

Briar slowly nodded her head as she followed after San and Yunho, staying quiet for the most part. "Where are we going...?" She whispered after a few moments, wrapping her arms around herself as she stepped cautiously around a broken chair that looked like it had seen better days.

"To where Wooyoung is. Another part about being connected. We're able to track each other easier than other electronics." San explained quietly as they made their way to the infirmary, where Briar had been not even an hour earlier with Seonghwa.

It didn't take them long to get there, and soon she was being pushed behind Yunho as they entered the room. Briar couldn't see, since the lights were off, but the smell of burnt oil made her choke and she gasped, covering her nose with a disgusted look.

San flicked on the light switch, and, as soon as he did, red lights flickered over to them as a pained cry left San's lips. "Woo!"

It took Briar a few moments to blink in the harsh light, but then she saw what was happened. As her brain registered it, a small little gasp escaped her lips at the scene unfolding.

Wooyoung was laying on one of the hospital beds they had, his hand twitching as oil dripped from his open and exposed chest. Wires were sparking, and his eyes seemed dim.

San rushed over to his side, a gentle hand on Wooyoung's cheek while, as Briar looked closer, the skin grafting peeled off from some sort of high temperatures.

Hongjoong was standing near Wooyoung, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the newcomers.

"Hongjoong what happened?!" Yunho asked their leader, but he didn't move toward the others, keeping Briar protected.

Hongjoong snarled and looked from Yunho to San and Wooyoung before snarling. Yunho was, (thankfully) tall enough that he couldn't see Briar.

"He wasn't listening. He kept breaking out of my control."

"So you destroyed him?!" San cried out softly, petting Wooyoung's cheek gently, holding his hand, and whispering small assurances to him.

"Of course I did. San. I'm disappointed in all of you. You're usually able to find the humans locked inside the theme park easily. It's already 2:30 and other than small sightings none of you can catch her. Be careful, or you'll be next."

"Wooyoung hasn't seen her since earlier when you both cornered her in the snack bar!"

"And how do you know that, San?"

"Because he's my husband? Of course, we try to meet up with each other and talk to come up with a plan to find the humans!" San turned around and glared at Hongjoong with pure hatred and horror in his eyes. "He didn't deserve this."

"Do you want the same thing to happen to you? If you don't, I suggest you back up. Now. And let me finish the job."

"The job? What job are you talking about?" Now Yunho spoke up from where he was at the door, still hiding Briar, who listened in horror. This isn't Uncle Hongjoong...Uncle Yunho was right...the evil side of him is more powerful...

Hongjoong now turned his attention to Yunho, but he just stared at him for a few seconds, before he turned his attention back to San and Wooyoung. "Destroying him, of course." He said it simply as if he wasn't proposing to destroy the body of one of his best friends.

"Hongjoong are you serious?! Why would you do that? Is he not destroyed enough?!"

"He is. That's the problem. He's too destroyed to help out. So, in order for him not to be a problem while we try to hunt the pesky little human, he's getting deactivated. For good. It'll take the technicians weeks to rebuild his body when I'm done with him." Hongjoong snarled as he took another step towards Wooyoung.

San quickly stepped in between his leader and his husband, shaking his head. "No. Hongjoong. He's too destroyed to move already. Let him stay here in the first aid building. Please. He won't get in your way. I promise." He pleaded softly, worry and fear in his voice but Hongjoong just stared at him for a few moments before his eyes flashed a dark red.

"Move, San." He snapped, watching as San stiffened up and moved out of the way. When Briar was able to catch sight of him, she could see that his eyes were red.

"He's under the control of Hongjoong right now..." Yunho whispered to her softly, a gentle hand on her side to make sure she stayed hidden.

"I guessed...he did the same thing to my papa earlier..." She whispered back, falling silent afterwards so she wouldn't be caught.

Hongjoong made his way to Wooyoung, who opened his pretty lavender eyes to look up at Hongjoong.

"Hongjoong hyung, please..." He whispered after a few moments, looking pitiful.

"You're too compromising, Wooyoung. If the human finds you, she can use you against us. You need to be deactivated." Hongjoong snarled at him and reached forward, taking hold of the spine made of wires aluminum, titanium, and other metals Briar didn't know the name of.

There was silence in the air for a few moments, just heavy 'breathing' from Wooyoung, and the exposed gears whiring from his chest.

Then, without much more hesitation, Hongjoong yanked, hard. The last thing that Briar saw before Yunho pushed her out of the building was Hongjoong holding Wooyoung's metal spine in his hands, and Wooyoung crying out before his eyes dimmed out and he fell still, wires no longer sparking. 

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