34. Taking Care Of My Future

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Briar nodded her head slowly, looking worried and pressing her lips together as they walked around the park silently.

"Can you tell us the plan once more, Songbird?" Mingi asked in a quiet little voice, smiling a little bit as he looked over at his daughter, who looked troubled but nodded her head.

"We're going to need to find Uncle Yunho first, and when we do find him...hopefully he's not under Uncle Hongjoong's control. We need him on our side for this plan to work..."

"Thornbush, if you don't mind me asking, why do you keep calling him Uncle? He's been killing your family all day." Logan spoke up after a few seconds of silence, and Briar paused, thinking to herself for a few beats.

"It feels natural. And I get that he's the bad guy, I just... can't help it, I guess? He's still my Uncle."

"Not by blood..." Mingi whispered. "Just by the band. If you don't want to call him Uncle, I completely understand, Briar."

Briar glanced over at her fathers and smiled a little bit. "Thank you guys...but I'll decide after tonight. If we can get him to realize all the damage he's caused, he still earns the right as Uncle. If not...then I'll stop calling him Uncle." She explained softly, and both Logan and Mingi nodded their heads.

Logan hummed a song to himself, and Briar looked over. "How can you be so calm, dad?" She asked after a few moments.

Logan glanced over at her and smiled. "I've been dead for years, Briar. This is my first time having a body in so many years. It feels liberating. I just want to enjoy it, in case anything happens while we battle Hongjoong." he explained softly, and Briar nodded her head in understanding. "That makes sense, I guess." She hummed to herself softly, smiling a little bit at her father and walking beside them.

Soon, they made it to Yunho's area of the park, and Mingi paused for a moment, glancing at a clock on the wall. "It's 4:50. We need to hurry. The park staff comes in at 6:00. We need to get out of here before they get back." He explained.

Briar slowly nodded her head and looked around. "We'll make sure of it. Let's go find Uncle Yunho, this plan may take a while."

Her parents went silent as they found Yunho's area of the park. Briar looked around, but the bigger parts of the park seemed quiet, and Briar paused. "Papa...is there anywhere else he could be?" She asked quietly, turning to look over at Mingi, tilting her head and looking adorable as she asked him and thought about it for a few moments. She hadn't seen her Uncle Yunho that much throughout the night, she wouldn't know where he was.

Mingi looked around before pausing for a few moments. "Yunho always likes to hide, rather than fight." He hummed softly, tilting his head and thinking a little bit. "Let's check the secret room he had. He used to love hanging out there, it was a place for him to get away from everyone and just have some quiet time."

Briar slowly nodded her head as she followed after Mingi, watching her father for a few moments as he looked around before pushing a side of the wall in, and it opened a secret storage room. Instead of having any of Yunho's items, it was empty, save for a desk that had a few books.

"I thought you said he'd be here?" Briar asked, glancing over at Mingi, who just shrugged his shoulders.

Briar took a deep breath and slowly nodded her head. "Alright...so we don't know where Yunho is, and at this point, the safe bet is to make sure we can do this plan without him, just in case Uncle Hongjoong has already gotten to him."

Logan slowly nodded his head in agreement, looking over to Mingi, who looked worried.

"Papa...?" Briar asked after a heartbeat, tilting her head as Mingi turned his attention to her.

"Yes, Songbird?"

"We need to start thinking of how to make this plan work without Uncle Yunho..." She repeats softly, and Mingi takes a deep breath before slowly nodding his head.

"Alright. But can we check one more spot, please? I want to make sure that he's okay before we do anything without him."

Logan looked over at Briar, and she glanced back, pausing for a moment before slowly nodding her head. "Yeah...just one more spot...we don't have a lot of time left."

Mingi pouted a little bit before nodding his head in understanding. They had to finish the job before it hit 6 am because Briar needed to get out of there.

Mingi moved in front of Briar slowly, taking the lead as he walked out of Yunho's area of the park and traveled in the low light to the main stage area.

"Why would he be here?" Logan asked after a few moments, tilting his head in curiosity as he walked behind Mingi, glancing around curiously.

"Because a lot of times, if you can't find him in his section, then he's usually back here, dancing to himself. It gives him time to relax before our long days." Mining explained softly, and Briar slowly nodded her head. She could understand. He always loved dancing.

Briar watched Mingi for a few moments, humming to himself and thinking for a few heartbeats, before relaxing a little bit when they made it to the main stage, and she could see Yunho.

Mingi beamed happily and rushed over to where Yunho was. "Yunho!" He called and smiles wider when Yunho glanced over at him.

Yunho stared over at the family for a few moments, pressing his lips together and holding a hand out. "No! Don't come this way! I saw Hongjoong a few minutes ago!" He warned worriedly, looking over at his best friends and niece.

"Uncle Yunho-...we need your help. We have a plan to destroy Hongjoong. But the three of us can't do it together." Logan spoke up softly from beside Mingi.

Yunho slowly shook his head. "No. Get out of here. I don't want you guys to get hurt. Take care of Briar, get her out of here."

"But-." There wasn't any time to say anything else when Hongjoong appeared behind Yunho with a smirk.

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