Chapter 4

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I stared out blankly toward my pack as they trained. I didn't want Stiles to leave but I also didn't know what I would do in front of everyone if he stayed. My feelings for him just got stronger every day. It scares me how much I've come to like him. It scares me because I haven't liked anyone even close to this much since Paige. Scott came over to me, arms crossed, glare on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Why'd you tell him to leave?" He snapped.

"He doesn't need to be here, Scott."

"Are you seriously that ashamed to like him that you don't want him around you with the pack?" He growled, continuing before I could respond, "Or do you not actually like him because if that's the case I'll beat the shit out of you for leading him on, alpha or not."

I sighed, "I'm not ashamed." I glanced over at the rest of the pack before nodding my head for Scott to follow me inside. "I don't know how I'll react if the pack starts making comments or anything." Scott scoffed, "No, I just...I don't know how to explain it. It's like I'm...I don't know I feel almost territorial over him I guess. I don't want to do anything too fast. Especially, not in front of the pack. I don't want anyone taking sides if we don't work out."

"You're an idiot." He shook his head, it reminded me of Laura. "He likes you so much. I can guarantee he wants you to show the pack how you feel about him."

"What if he decides he doesn't like me though?" I asked, "I can't deal with the pack giving me shit for it."

"You're gonna push him away over something literally so fucking stupid? Do you really want to lose someone else because you're scared? For all you know you guys could be mates."

I looked down, "Have everyone run the preserve..." I stated, walking toward the door.

"You better come back with him by your side."


When I got to his house I climbed up to the window, it wasn't open. I sighed tapping on it getting no response. I decided to go around to the front door to see if it was unlocked. I pushed it open seeing his sneakers thrown sloppily in the hall and his jacket discarded onto the floor. I picked it up walking up the stairs to his room. His door was open when I walked in, I set his jacket on his desk chair, noticing he had his headphones in as he laid in bed. I climbed next to him, wrapping my arms around his waist feeling him jump a little. He turned to look at me for a second before turning back.

"Go away." He mumbled, pulling his headphones out. It sounded as though he had been crying.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, he rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. "I'm just scared, I guess."

He sighed, turning in my arms to face me, "Of what? The pack?"

I shrugged, "A little I guess, but mostly because I really fucking like you."

"Then prove it you turd." He chuckled.

I kissed him, "I will. Come back with me?"

"You sure you want me there?"

"Yes, I want you there."

He smiled, "Okay, Sourwolf."

I kissed him again, we laid together in his bed for a few minutes before he sat up deciding we should go back.

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