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Raven's Pov

My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up.

"You shouldn't move too soon."I looked over and raised an eyebrow at the Hokage.

"I'm good."I sat up and rubbed my back as it popped. "Hiruzen you need to listen to me and listen well. You will die today."I looked him in the eye.

His eyes widened in shock. "W-what do you mean?"

"The Kazekage is not the actual Kazekage. The real Kazekage's dead. The one posing as the Kazekage will defeat you in battle. So heed my words. I will make a water clone of you and when he finally strikes the water clone will alert me and I will strike that son of a b*tch down!"I emphasized the word down by pounding my fists together.

Hiruzen took my words in slowly before nodding.

I formed the needed handsigns and placed my hand on his chest. "Water clone jutsu!"Slowly water formed into an exact replica of him.

"Good. You stay in hiding. I have to take this one out."I grabbed the clones hand and walked out waving goodbye to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen clone and I were now headed for the Chunin Exam Arena. I had grabbed my sword on the way.

I let Hiruzen clone go his own way and I went to find my own team. All of the gennins were standing in the middle except Naruto and Sasuke. I knew Sasuke was with Kakashi at the moment,from the anime. And I also remember from the show Naruto comes in being chased by a bunch of bulls in 3..2..1.

BANG! Naruto slides inside on the ground and stops at mine and Shikamaru's feet. I start laughing.

"Oh man what a drag..."Shikamaru mutters. I picked Naruto up. "Have fun running in with the bulls?"I grinned.

"Hey you guys,knock it off."The new proctor who I remembered to be Genman,stated. "Stand up straight and present yourselves to the crowd"

I rolled my eyes. Whatever. "Alright we will begin the final rounds of the Chunin Exams now. Can I have Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga step up. The rest of you may go on to the balcony to wait for your turn."Everyone scattered off.

Once I got up there I yelled out. "GOOD LUCK OTOUTO!!"I waved.

Naruto looked back at me before grinning. "Alright!"Neji just glared at me.

"And BEGIN!"They started battling. I must admit it was quite intense seeing it in real life. Neji lectured Naruto about his past and how destiny lead him to become a branch member of the Hyuga Clan. Naruto's fox chakra seeped out and eventually won the match,changing Neji's perspective on life.

Next was supposed to be Sasuke vs Gaara,but since they didn't arrive yet,their match was moved on to later. Other matches continued on.

I walked over the the Mr.Mystery and his team. "How come you three aren't fighting?"

"We dropped out."said the spiky raven haired for the first time.

"Hmm."I walked over to him and stood at his side. He was taller than me by 2cm. "Aww man."

I stayed by their sides as the matches went by Gaara and Sasuke arrived.


Smoke appeared in the middle of the arena. Kakashi and Sasuke stepped out it. His outfit had changed. He was wearing all black now with bandages wrapped around his left hand.

"Sorry we're late..."

"NO ONE CARES!!"I yelled in anger! Others sweat dropped at my comment.

"You have arrived just in time...we can n-"

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