Part 11

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Y/N Pov
Y/N wakes up and thinks back to his date with Ashley she was breath taking last night how she was so understanding of his situation she accepted his vulnerability after Scarlett Y/N felt like noone could see past his fake smile but Ashley she knew she could feel how I block people out she held me last night and I felt so at ease I sigh realizing now I'm even more conflicted No No I gotta snap out of it Ashley is there she wants to see where this goes and well Demi she's still in a relationship she is trying to convince herself she is happy in I finally get out of my bed and get the day started I knew I was going to have to go to the PC Today and go over the music for my entrance after I finish breakfast I put the plate in the sink and I'm am off to the PC.

At the PC

Thea's POV

As I was Stretching getting ready to enter the ring I saw Y/N walk through the door Training can wait I thought as I sprinted over there and hopped on his back.

Y/N : Who just hopped on my back?

Thea: Take a wild guess it's your favorite.

Y/N: Hmmmm. This is way to light to be Scott Hall.

Thea: Favorite person not wrestler silly.

Y/N : Keith did you get some kind of weight loss surgery man?

Thea: ugh nooooo not him

Y/N: Oh thank god someone else , Dem can you please tell me who's on my back (Puts a finger to his Lips)

Demi: Mate its Gargano, cant you tell by how light he is ? (Stifling her laugh)


Y/N: If Johnny is over there , Then how wait a second , Are there 2 Johnny's? Oh boy

Thea:(Huffs and jumps off) Its me Y/N ok Thea sheesh.

Y/N: Oh Thea glad to see ya love

Thea: Yes now details.

Demi: Details

Thea: Oh Y/N and Ashley went on a date last night.

Y/N: ( Thea why on earth would you say that right now) Yea it was fun dinner then stargazing got to know each other some more .

Demi:(Shifts uncomfortably) That's great you two would be super cute.

Thea: ( why wont these two just makeout already sheesh , yes I said him and Ash went on a date on purpose I wanted to see if Demi Got Jealous which from the way she is looking right now Ohhh she Big mad) I know right they would be super cute

Y/N : Well girls gotta go Paul wants me to choose my music for my entrance and film my second vignette.

Demi: uh Hey Y/N can we maybe talk after you are done with him .

Y/N : Yea of course Dems

Thea wiggles her eyebrows at Y/N

At that moment Y/N reaches Paul's Office and knocks at the door.

Paul: Come in

Y/N : Boss how are we doing this morning.

Paul: That is never a question for someone with kids Y/N haha Hectic to say the least.

Y/N : Haha that's amazing the daughters of the game running around causing Mayhem only fitting.

Paul: That's exactly what steph says haha. But today is a important day because today we choose your entrance theme, any ideas?

Y/N : So being from Sacramento and having the type of Darker Character I was thinking of something like Changes by the Deftones, is that Possible.

Paul: hmmm more of a metal guy myself you mind if I listen to the song to get the feel for the entrance?

Falling For Rhea (Y/N Male X Rhea)Where stories live. Discover now