Part 17

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I wake up to knocking on my front door damn this hangover is brutal I stagger up to my feet and make my way to the door its Keith

Y/N: Why didn't you just use the key?

Keith: Cause I have manners that is for a emergency sir, wake yourself up let's get a early start on the gym.

Y/N: Alright Alright I'll be out in a second gonna take a shower and change

Keith: When you come back I need to tell you something

Y/N: Ok..... I'm gonna go do that

20 minutes later

Y/N: So what's the big news huh?

Keith: Uhh Demi announced her and Buddy are official last night.

Y/N: Cant say I didn't see it coming , I just don't get it but let's head to PC I need to blow off some steam in the weight room

25 minutes later

Me and Keith both walk in I'm instantly greeted by Thea who hops on my back I just laugh and ask Keith if something was off he says no all seems in order we continue walking no selling Thea being on my back Johnny walks up

Johnny: Can I get a piggy back too I cant be much heavier than Thea.

Y/N: Thea huh is she here

Johnny: Ohhhhh. I get it YEA I HAVEN'T SEEN THEA AT ALL(Wink)

Thea: I'm right here you silly boys

I then tense up as Demi walks in with Buddy, Thea can feel my shift.

Thea: It's ok big guy she'll turn around eventually.

Y/N: I hope so

Keith: You guys are perfect for eachother she just doesn't wanna admit it yet

Y/N: This shit is gonna tear me from the inside

Just Then Beth(Scarlett) walks in

Beth: Hey Boys , Y/N my love I wait for the day we can restart what I ruined

Y/N: I hope you are doing well today Beth

Beth: I'm doing fantastic now that I heard my name come off your lips Sweetheart

Y/N: Always the charmer

Just then Y/N sees murphy exit the room and Demi makes her way over

Demi: Y/N could we talk in private please?

Y/N: Choosing to speak to me today , Ok Demi lead the way.

Demi: So I came off a little harsh yesterday when I was talking to you I do care for you Y/N I just think we both be better off if we moved on

Y/N: I really don't get why you're telling me this for a second time, Better off you say that as if I haven't poured my heart out to you but that doesn't matter right .... You know what it's fine Demi you dont want me in ur life I get it.

Demi: I didn't mean for you to get hurt.

Y/N: Its fine Demi he's coming back go be with your boyfriend.

Keith then walks over when she leaves.

Keith: Sooooo what was that about?

Y/N: Same shit different day, my anxiety is starting to take hold of me brother

Keith: Me and Steph are always here for you brother you know the same goes for Austin

Y/N: I need to get faded man forget this shit

Falling For Rhea (Y/N Male X Rhea)Where stories live. Discover now