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Law's face swam in and out of focus. Kid could swear he was saying something, but he only gathered that from the way Law's lips moved rapidly, not from hearing the actual words that were coming out of his mouth.

The barstool swayed under him and he clutched into the counter. Something clunked, and Kid realized he swooped the whole line of empty glasses down to the ground. The stinging smell of vodka hit his nostrils and temporarily brought Kid back to his senses.

"Eustass-ya! Damn it..." Law spewed somewhere near his ear. "That's it, I'm leaving before you puke on me."

"What? I'm not gonna puke yet. I'm not a lightweight like you. What did you have, a fucking mojito?" Kid slurred. He was vaguely aware of a sharp word exchange between the barman and Law, but their words merged into a blur every few seconds.

"He's not my responsibility! Don't you have security here?"

"With all due respect, sir, you two clearly know each other. I'm asking politely, get him out-"

Kid felt the comforting cold of the counter against his cheek. He closed his eyes. It felt good... He could just stay like that for a while, although the world still hadn't stopped spinning. How many shots did he have? Not that many... Even if he did have a few, he knew he could handle it.

"Oh, no, you're not falling asleep here." Something strong jerked him upwards and he followed the movement like a rag doll. "For fuck's sake..."

On stiff legs, he slid down the stool and allowed the grip on his suit to lead him away. Through the crowd, he bumped and tripped and pushed into people but it was all gentle and in slow motion, so they were surely fine.

"Oi, Trafalgar!" Kid dug his heels into the floor to stop. "You forgot to order a Piña colada. I know you like it. Or some white wine? No? Orange juice?"

"Shut up!" Law hissed by his ear and pushed him forward. "I don't want you ruining Robin-ya's party, you drunk idiot!"

"I'm not ruining anything..." Kid mumbled. The temperature of the air suddenly dropped as he realized they stepped outside into the streets. With each fresh breath, Kid's hazy thoughts started to clear up.

Beside him, Law dragged his hand through his face. "I'm guessing you drove here by car?"

"What else do you think I got a car for?" Kid spat and leaned against the wall. He started to slide down, so he grabbed the nearest lamp post. "To drive. I don't have to take buses like you."

"Tell me where you live."

"So you can haunt me in the middle of the night? Like hell I will, you creep!"

"I'm not taking you to my place," Law said. "Don't even think about it. I could just leave you here on the sidewalk."

Kid shrugged. Then he allowed gravity to have its way with him and sunk to the gray concrete, head backed up against the wall. "Who said anything about your place, anyway?"

Law only mumbled under his breath.

"What?!" Kid yelled.

"Nothing! Just... give me a second."

Kid closed his eyes again. Despite the chill, his body was sweating underneath the suit. There was a bitter taste in his mouth, and he wished he could wash it away with another shot.

After five deep breaths, he came to see Law pacing in front of him. For some reason, his tie was crumpled as if he chewed it and spat it back out. The black shirt that Kid had picked out for him clung tightly to his torso, and Kid watched as the fabric rippled with his movements. Law was fondling the gold earrings in his right ear as he did every time he was thinking hard - which wasn't very often, Kid added to himself and snorted.

🎙️Tell Me More. (Podcast!AU Trafalgar Law x Eustass Kid)Where stories live. Discover now