Chapter 12 - Boy Meets Hangout

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(The first 11 Chapters are in the original Cinderdude. Read it before continuing on!!!)


"Nebula Stop-the-war Lawrence? Who in their right mind would name their kid that?" I ask, laughing. She gives me a death glare and slaps me playfully before joining in the laughing.

"Well what kind of a name is," She pauses to laugh, "Cinderdude?" She jokes.

"Hey, watch it." I reply smirking, then finish drinking my coke. "I'll be back; I'm getting a refill."

I start walking over to the bar.

"You have a lot of explaining to do when you get back Cind- erm- Cory!" I hear behind me, and smile at the sound of her saying my name.

Reaching the counter, I hand the bartender my empty cup. As I wait for him to come back, I begin thinking about the past 45 minutes. I don't know why I thought hanging out with the girl of my dreams would be so hard. I mean, we were just two new friends, hanging out at Chubbie's. Of course, I wanted more than just 'friends', but everything starts with something, you know? The bartender comes back with my drink and hands it to me. I take it and thank him, smiling, then walk back to our table, wondering how I was going to explain it all without making a fool of myself. 'She'll understand,' I say in my head as I slide into the booth.

"She'll understand what?" I look over and see an innocent-looking Topanga smiling at me.

I take a deep breath and try to gather the courage it's going to take to reveal something I've never trusted anyone with, except for Shawn.

"Hey, Cory! Get me a burger, I'm hungry!"

Eric: Ruining my life since 1987. I clench my fists and glare at my step-brother.

"Hey hurry up! Chop chop!" Jack snaps from next to Eric, before smirking at him. I sigh and look down.

"Sorry, Topanga, I've got to go... I'll explain later. I promise." I glance at her face, only to see a saddened look. For a moment I actually feel like she has feelings for me, but I quickly shrug it off, classifying it as 'impossible'. I mean, how can such a wonderful, nice, natural beauty like her like a schlub like me? Frowning, I walk over to the counter, once again, and order 2 Chubbie Burgers. Although it ended so abruptly, that was the best 'hangout' I'd ever had.


Back at home, Jack was watching TV on the couch, eating chips, and Eric was watching the clothes in the dryer go around in circles. I, however, was busy doing the dishes. Of course, we had a dishwasher, but Alan always said it would be too easy on me, and, frankly, I'd gotten used to washing plates manually by now.

"What are you doing, boy?! You missed a spot!" Alan suddenly yells, making me jump.

"I'm s-sorry." I reply, still shaken. He takes the leftover spaghetti from his plate and dumps it on the dishes drying on the rack.

"Do it again," he grunts, then walks away to watch TV with Jack.

I stare at the dishes on the rack and frown. Why, out of all people, did I get assigned this stupid life?

"What did you say boy?" Alan glares at me menacingly.

"Nothing," I mutter, and hurriedly get to work on re-washing the dishes.

"I know you said something." He replies, getting up from his chair. I cringe when he starts walking over to me. Jack just smiles, and signals for Eric to come watch the show. Frozen in place, I start taking deep breaths. 'I don't deserve this' I repeat over and over again in my head. When Alan gets to about 2 feet away from me, I throw the plate I was holding at him, and it falls and breaks on the floor. His face turns red with anger, and I turn to my first response. Run.

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