Chapter 15 - Boy Meets Different

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"Thanks, that was a close one," I tell Shawn while walking off the field.

"No problem dude, it's what friends are for, right?"


30 minutes later, I'm back at Shawn's 'house'. I've changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

"You know, Cor, you've got to figure this thing out with your family, I mean, you can't live here forever. You know that right?"

"Why not?"

"Here's what I'm thinkin'. Your brothers, Alan, they've been good so far. I don't think they actually even care if you ran away, or where you ran away to. But when they need their laundry done, dishes washed, floor cleaned, or something like that, they'll start hunting you down. My place is obviously gonna be one of their first choices."

"So what do I do?"

This is one of the very few times I've ever genuinely asked Shawn for advice. I can usually figure it all out on my own. I just guess I'll be needing a little help with this one.

Ding... Dong!

I jump, startled. "I'll get it," I say, then get up, straightening my 'The Wonder Years' t-shirt as I walk to the door. I look through the peep-hole, and relax. Topanga. I open the door and welcome her, grinning from ear to ear. I hear Shawn whisper in my ear, "Is that how you blush?" and jab him in the stomach. 

"Um, Cory, can we talk?" Topping asks, looking at the floor. Since when has she been so 'shy' around me? Just the other day she was perky, sassy, and overly talkative. 

"Alright, well, I'll be in my room, in case you wanna, you know, do something else together while she's here."

And there goes one of Shawn's points. 

In just a few seconds, Topanga and I are alone. 

"Well, what do you want to talk about? School, sports, uh..." My voice trailed off.

"Actually, I came to talk about what happened earlier... Remember, um, on the couch?" She's looking away, cheeks bright as a tomato, and shuffling her feet. 

"Um, yeah, I, uh, wanted to talk to you about that too..."

'I felt something..." My heart does a front flip. "I just don't know what that feeling is, and I just was wondering if you felt it too, and what it is... I'm so confused..."

"I-I felt it too." The words slip out of my mouth before I can even think about it.

"Do you know what it is?"

"No, I think it's just calmness, you know? Being with someone who understands you and can help."


 I knew that wasn't what it was, but it was too soon to believe it could have been anything near feelings for each other. Besides, even if we did like each other, I wouldn't want her to waste time with me when she could be with the best football player in the scho- oh. That is me.

"So... we should just let it go? Like it never happened?"

No! What about the sparks? Could you feel them? They were definitely not just 'calmness'.

"Yeah, I guess..."

Now, I'm not crazy. I did this for a reason. I want her to go back to her perky self. That's the Topanga I know, the Topanga I like. Whatever's on her mind, I need to find out. My tactic: eliminate all the possibilities one by one, even if it means giving up my (probably only) chance with Topanga. Maybe it's about what we talked about earlier; maybe she's remembering memories with her family, when they were happy. Or, there might even be a possibility that she likes me- nah. 

There could possibly be something else going on here, one that she's keeping secret. If that's the case, I want to find out what it is, so, for now, I'm putting this whole 'feelings' thing on hold.

Topanga's sitting on the couch again. I'm still standing, looking out the window. Shawn walks in whistling.

"Alright, what's going on here?" He asks. "You guys look like you don't even know each other.

"I-I should go," Topanga stutters, before passing right by be and walking out the door. 

"What's going on, Cor?" Shawn asks, scrunching his eyebrows. I wait for a moment before answering.

"Let's follow her."

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