Chapter 20 - Boy Meets Pillow Fight

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Shawn's P.o.V (WOOT WOOT)

 It's official. I lost him. 

 Topanga's taken him away from me. 

 And before you get any ideas, I mean as a friend. I like girls, I swear. But that's besides the point. 

 I see it every time he looks at her. There's this happiness and care mixed with... maybe, worry? Of course, it makes me curious, but I don't exactly wanna intrude on what they're going through. From what I saw that night that we spied on Topanga, she and Cinderdude have a lot in common. Then, the day after, I saw Topanga rushing in quietly, with what looks like a bruise on her cheek. That was when I noticed something was wrong. It worries me, a little, but I know Cory's going to fix it. 

 He always does. 

 Not that I'm complaining, of course. He's helped me a lot, and solved a few of my problems- okay, maybe more than a few, but the point is the moment he thinks something's not right with someone he cares about, he goes all Sherlock Holmes and doesn't rest until it's ALL fixed. 

 Snapping back into reality, I pick up my empty paper bag and examine it: there aren't any rips or tears, so I can reuse it. I fold it neatly and place it in the cupboard, piling it on top of the many others I've kept. When I turn back around, I find Cory and Topanga making out- 

 Just kidding. I got you there, didn't I? 

 Really, they were doing like they always do around me; silently picking at their food, and basically ignoring each other's presence. 

 "Hey, remember our deal, guys. Or else you know what will happen. And, Cory, you better go through with the deal, that is, unless you want the world to know about the incident back in 5th grade when you gave out 'halloween treats' to-" 

 "OKAY, okay, I'll follow through. And if you even tell a single soul about that, Shawn Hunter..."

 Woah, full name. He's serious. 

"I promise, Cory. Oh, and Topanga..." I pause and think about what to threaten Topanga with. "You don't want everyone to find out about your last encounter with a certain mouse, do you?" Her eyes go wide and I smile to myself. "Very good, now be normal."

 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to tame two teenagers who don't even know that they love each other.

 "Then, what do you wanna do?" Topanga asks, looking at Cory. He smirks in return. 

 "Pillow fight. Topanga and I against you, Shawn." 

 "Oh come on, both of you against me? I have no chance... I mean, you're a football player for god's sake!" 

"Yeah, well you are too, remember?" Cory retorts. 

"Well, yeah, but you've got Topanga. I bet she's gonna use some telepathic crap to make some dead spirit attack me or something." 

"We won't know unless we try it, right?" Topanga finally enters the conversation. I groan in response, which, apparently, Cory thought was a signal to start, as he grabs the closest pillow to him and starts beating me with it. I reach out and pull one in from the couch, using it to block the hits. When Cory puts it down to breath, I take the chance and knock him as hard as I can, sending him back onto the couch. I get on top of him and smack him repeatedly. Then I feel something soft strike my back. 

"Get... off... of... my... Cory... right... now..." Topanga says between whacks. I turn my head around and chuckle at her failed attempts at hurting me. 

 "Wow, pardon me, miss, I didn't know he was your Cory." Topanga blushes. I take the opportunity to give Cory a few more smacks, then walk over to Topanga and playfully whack her. She tries to fight back, but I tackle her down and pin her on the floor. I look at her face, expecting to see fear in her eyes, but instead she's smirking. 

My eyes widen as the realization sets in. 

 I hear Cory clear his throat behind me, and the blood flushes from my face. I laugh nervously while rolling off Topanga and face him. I open my mouth to speak but Cory is already hitting me with all his strength. Topanga takes the cue to join in. 

 "You- OOF! -you won't get- OOF! -away with this," I threaten, but Topanga just giggles. Gathering up my strength, I close my eyes, then smack Cory off of me. I hear a feminine shriek in response.
"Cory, did I ever tell you that you scream like a gir-,"

 I open my eyes and see Topanga laying on her back, covering her face. 

"Oh crap! Topanga, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you, I was aiming at Cory, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you? Oh my gosh..." She starts shaking. "Are you crying? I'm sorry! I swear, I didn't mean to-" She takes her hands off her face, and I go to examine it. Suddenly, she bursts into laughter, and points at me. I turn my stare to Cory, whose face is red from holding in laughter. When I give him a menacing glare, he too starts laughing. 

 "I hate you all..." I mumble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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