Chapter 13 - Boy Meets Escape

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I didn't know where I was headed. I just ran until my brain started working again. I knew there was only one person I could trust with this, and who I could always depend on; Shawn.


I rang his doorbell continuously until he answered.

"Someone better be dead for anyone to- Oh, hey Cinderdude." He mumbles, still half asleep.

"Hey, uh, can I stay here for a few nights? Maybe even for the rest of my life?"

He studies me for a minute, then realizes why I'm here.

"What did those morons do this time?" He asks, suddenly awake and alert.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." I reply, and shrug it off. Shawn agrees, understanding my situation, and begins telling me about what happened earlier today.

"So I was on my way to Chubbie's, and I saw Topanga coming out. She looked kinda upset, so I asked her what was wrong. She told me some guy named Cory ditched her, so I told her I knew this 'Cory' guy, and that I would call her when you were available, and we exchanged numbers, then went our separate ways. Now, I'm not the smartest guy alive, but I have a very slight suspicion that Cory might be you." He finishes smiling. I ignore the part about getting her phone number, even though it made me a tad jealous.

"Alright, tell her I'm available tomorrow after school," I stop to think, then add something else. "We have to meet at either your house or hers, though, because-"

"I know why we can't do it at your house. I may not end up being the Valentinedictorius when we graduate, but I'm not that dumb, Cor." He laughs, and I find it easy to laugh with him.

We talk for a few minutes or so, then Shawn gives me some pillows and a blanket for the couch. After I've set it all up, I turn off the light and shut the curtains, then lay down. I knew I had set off an earthquake at home, and I'd have to wait until tomorrow to see the ruins.


"Hey Cory! We have to finish what we started yesterday!" Topanga says, waving at me from the seat in front of me. A few students snickered. It's 10:30 the next morning, and Shawn and I had taken a bus to school. I lean over my desk and reply.

"Shawn's trailer, at 5. I'll tell you everything." I smile. As the bell rings, she just nods in response. Mr. Feeny walks in, and I can already tell he's in a bad mood, but he glares at me; specifically me; for a straight 15 seconds before beginning his lesson.

"Alright class, I've got an assignment for you, and it's written on the board. Mr. Matthews, come with me."

Uh oh.

I get up, and, straightening my sweater vest, walk out the door behind Mr. Feeny.

"Your parents called... They said you ran away." I open my mouth to say something, but he continues, raising a finger to silence me. "Now, as your teacher, I have partial responsibility over you, and I need to know what exactly you were thinking when you left. Where did you go anyways?"

"He was with me."

You've got to give Shawn some credit for always being there for me.

"And what, exactly, were you two doing?"

"Uh, well, it's-uh-kind of funny when you think about it, uh, see, what's going on is-," Shawn ends my stuttering mess by taking over.

"You have NO idea what is going on in his life, okay? You can't judge Cory for his actions, or punish him, when you don't know his motives. If you want to have the right to do that, stop being such an ignorant know-it-all and start getting involved!" I'm left in shock. "C'mon, Cor, let's get out of here."

"B-But we have class now, and I can't miss it, or I'll get in troubl-"

"Would you rather be safe or get your butt kicked all day by your brothers?"

Good point.

He starts storming through the halls and I follow. We're about to reach the doors when I hear the sound of heels following behind me.

"Cory? Shawn! Wait up!"

I stop, grabbing Shawn by his shoulder to stop him, too. I guess he's too mad to hear anything.

"Where are you guys going?" She looks at me again with that 'I-might-actually-like-you' look. "Every time I see you, you're always running from something, well, at least, it seems like it." She scrunches up her eyebrows, confused. She looks so cute, and it takes everything in my power not to take her in my arms and ki- Never mind, I shouldn't be thinking about that. But really, ever since my first kiss by the lockers - which would have been the best day of my life if it wasn't so quickly followed by a beating from Alan - I've secretly wanted to tell her how I really feel about her. By now, everyone is staring at me.

"Did I miss something?" I ask. It's my turn to scrunch my eyebrows.

Shawn snorts. "Yeah, while you were busy thinking about kissing Miss Perfect over here, you might have actually heard her ask you a question." My cheeks heat up, and I can feel the tips of my ears turn red. If he wasn't such a good lie detector I would deny it. Topanga just smiles, and I set what just happened aside, making a mental note to slap Shawn later for that statement.

"Well," Topanga begins, and I pray that she doesn't mention Shawn's comment. "Anyways, I was asking why you're always in a rush. Does it have to do with me?" I let out my breath and relax, relieved that she didn't say what I thought she was going to talk about.

"NO, no, it's uh, complicated..."

"Shall we try the Chubbie's confession again?" She asks, with a hint of humor in her voice. I smile. Shawn interrupts.

"That's not a good idea, you-know-who could be there. Go to my trailer, I'll meet you there. Oh, and I'll bring some burgers."

With that, Topanga and I hurry off.



I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I'll post more regularly now that summer is approaching. Thanks for reading!

(P.S. I'll be dedicating chapters to random commenters, probably the funniest comment. So comment away!!!)

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