Chapter 16.5 - Topanga's Story

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YES, this is in Topanga's P.O.V

It's a short filler chapter. It just explains what happened last night in Topanga's perspective. Their conversation continues in the next chapter.


To Corpanga, because I read your books and follow you on IG. Honestly, who wouldn't?


"My mom has a new boyfriend. He, uh, doesn't like me too much," I say, then take a shaky breath. 

Cory's eyebrows scrunch up, and I can tell he's going to try to fix this. He always tries.

"Don't tell anyone, please," I beg. I know nothing good will come out of trying to escape this.

"Topanga, the right thing, at least, for me, is to call the cops, but if you don't want to do anything, I won't push it. But tell me, what exactly happened last night?"

"Well, I got home, and my mom's boyfriend was already mad."



The door slammed shut.

"Where were you?!?!" He demands sternly. I can see the anger in his eyes.

"I-I was studying with a friend... I forgot to check the ti-" I had to lie. God knows what would've happened if I told him I was alone with two boys.


"It was last minute, I didn't-"

"Your instructions are simple: You go to school, you come back home. WHAT DON'T YOU GET ABOUT IT?!"

Then he slapped me. Hard. Across the face. And it hurt.

I held my hand up to my cheek, and started to cry. I ran up to my room, shut the door, and, after leaning against it for a few seconds, I walked over to my bed, grabbed Cory's football jersey, which, yes, I do have (I use it for comfort), and sat on the bed. 

I slowly became tired, and the last thing I saw before closing my eyes was a curly-haired boy crouched outside my window.

Of course, I was fatigued. I wouldn't remember what happened in the last few moments before I fell into a deep slumber, or so I thought.


I did, in fact, recall that sight; the curly-haired boy watching me from the glass pane. It was also the one boy whom I could never reveal my home life.

Why, you ask?

Cory Matthews is the first boy I ever liked. The first boy I kissed. The first boy who liked me back. I didn't want that to change due to his pity for me. 

That's why I have to change. I have to go back to being the funny, sassy, outgoing Topanga, no matter how I'm treated at home. I have to act like it's not affecting me. I have to do what I've been taught not to do;


Cinderdude - A Boy Meets World FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora